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Pioneer Introduces New Come to Livermore Concat Product to Western June 8


With this issue of the California Lumber Merchant, the Pioneer Paper Company introduces their latest product, Brick Siding.

Aocording to the manufacturers, Bri,ck Siding offers the Western lumber dealer an excellent item to develop added business on roofing material sales, since it affords the applicator an opportunity to completely renovate the home or building from the roof down to the ground. The product is a natural reprodu'ction of brick in size, ,color and texture; Mortar joints have been skillfully imitated, and surfaces of the brick protrude sufficiently beyond them to cast an interesting shadow line as revealed in the aacompanying illustration.

"Following our policy of progress in developing ngy and improved products for our dealers," states Mr. J. H. Plunkett, General Manager of the Pioneer Paper Company:' we are announcing the addition of an unusual type of Brick Siding to the Pioneer line of rapid-selling specialty products. One of the most important advantages of Brick Siding is in its self-spacing, and self-aligning feature. "An applicator can effect large savings in time and labor beciuse Pioneer Brick Siding may be laid up accurately and speedily without resorting to ordinary measurement practices. ilrick Siding may be used over any type of shingles, siding, or clapboard, or for :old or new construction."

Brick Siding', as manufactured by the Pioneer Paper Ccimpany, is an exclusive item available to lumber dealers of the eleven western states.

Lloyd Graham With Pickering

Lumber Co.

Lloyd V. Graham, formerly with Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington, Oakland, is now associated with the San Francisco office of the Pickering Lumber Co. as salesman.


J. P. Neece, Texas Oak Flooring Co., Dallas, Texas, spent several days in Los Angeles on business around the first of the month. The Texas Oak Flooring Co., manufacturers of oak flooring, are represented in Southern California by the Geo. F. Weis Lumber Co., of Los Angeles.

Do You Know That

We have on wharf at Oakland, available for immediate shipment, in cadoad lots or truck delivery:


5/2 Perfects 5/2 Extr:a Clears

6/2 Extra Star-A-Star f 1 Green ltr LathSplit Redwood Poatr

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