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New National Trade Extension Plan Aims at Ten Trade Obiectives

Chicago, April 23.-The Trade Extension Department of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association submitted at the Annual Meeting of the Trade Extension Committee here, a "Practical Prdlram for Permanent Lumber Trade Pr'omotion," which embraces ten parallel coordinated campaigns. Ii *"s stated t{rat the ptogram is the result of iar6fU planning over a period of many months. by various groups and individuals representing the organized lumber ' indui.trv. ft involves the conduct of activities necessary to maintain and extend markets and to increase public confidence in, and use of, lumber and wood products'

The ten coordinated campaigns, which embrace over 90 percent of the actual total uses for lumber, are named as follows:

1. Ifome Building.

2. Farm Building.

3. Retail CooPeration.

4. Building Code and Architecture.

5. Industrial Construction.

6. Fabricated Industrial Uses.

7. Box and Crating Container Uses.

8. Railway and Car Construction.

9. HighwayConstruction.

10. Government Lumber ljses.

A chart was submitted showing the recommended plan of organization and an outline of facilitating' activities under five major headings, namely,

1. Research.

2. SubscriberRelations.

3. Promotion.

4. Advertising.

5. Publicity.

The Subscriber Relations activity or department will be concerned with all activities which relate to improvement of product, improved merchandising and- capitalizing.results of trade extension. It is expected that through this deoartment organized teamwork between the Regional and Nitional Assoiiations may be so perfected as to "temper the bitterness of rivalry between regions and to encourage the direction of interspecies competition into more constructive and out of herely "negative channels'" The efiect of working toward objectiveJ of mutual interest will be to give the limber indusiry a united frontin its resistance t6 the encroachments of 'competing materials'" The

Subscriber Relations department is further explained as follows:

Intra-Industry Relations

"Probably most important of Subscriber Relations will be those direct with lumtrer manufacturers. Never have they shown a more intelligent understanding of industry proble-s or a more steadfast determination to do those 'thing. which need to be done. The profit each will derive from- participation in a continuing program will depend largely upon- the efiort each puts for'th to carefully coordinatl theii own company efioit with Regional and National programs. To faciiitaie such concerted action use of the Salelman's Manual containing National publications and sales-helps, is recommended. -One of these manuals should be requiied to be a part of the work kit of each company salesman and lumbei distributor handling the products of Trade Extension subscribers. There is no more certain way of converting the benefits oJ glganized trade extension int6 increased orier files of individual lumber companies"'

Details of Ten-Market CamPaigns

The details of each of the ten campaigns were presented at length, the manner of handling each being outlined from the promotional, advertising and publicity angles, w1th.-a-n estimated minimum cost oieacrh factor. The home building campaign is put at $357,500; farm building at $186'500; retail cooperation at $179,500, building code and architecture $95,000, industrial cons.truction $131,000; fabricated industrial uses $288,700; wood boxes, crates and container uses $110,500; railway construction $53,100; highway-c-o-nstruciion $44,900; Federal Government lumber uses $12,000.

Differerrt Fro,m Other Plans

This plan for permanent lumber promotion is somewhat difiereni from plans previously followed by the National Lumber Trade'Exteniion Depirtment. Th; proposed plan is based on the requirements of specific lumber markets and uses and will result in the development of expert promotion and advisory service to consumers in each field.

The plan is to be submitted to the meeting in the form-of a printed booklet which contains under the heading for eaih of the proposed campaigns a general account of the importance and extent of the market and the various lines of -approach toit. Stress is laid on the importance of research.

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