2 minute read

Douglas Fir Plywood Industry Starts Large Advertising Program

One of the largest cooperative advertising programs ever launched in the lumber industry is now being released by Douglas Fir Plywood Manufacturers, which represents the 17 Oregon and Washington mills that produce t@% of. all Douglas Fir Plywood.

Every type of lumber user, specifier and distrlbutor will be reached by the advertising, including general.consumers and the lumber-using industries. A total of 13,@3,631 sales messages will be delivered during 1931 by the publications selected. Full pages or more will be used through the campaign, 'compelling attention through the United States to the unique advantages and the varied uses of Douglas Fir Plywood. In addition to publi,cation advertising, a nationwide, direct-mail campaign is now under way. This will reach general and industrial consumers, and every factor of the construction market, with broadsides, booklets, folders, samples and letters.

Douglas Fir Plywood consists of three or more thin rotary.cut sheefs of Douglas Fir glued together, crossgrain, dnder hydraulic pressure. The resulting boards are real lumber, that will not split, twist, shrink or swell and it comes in sizes up to 4 feet by 8 feet and in widths as thin as rl inch or as thick as a plank.

The industry's advertising campaign had its beginning early in 1930 when the manufacturers of Douglas Fir Plywood became convinced by the steady increase in their sales without advertising support, that intensive national advertising would develop an snsrmous market. McCannErickson, fnc., international advertising agency, was r€-


B. R. Julian, Los Angeles, sales representative of the E. K. Wood I-umber Co,i ushered in the fishing season by trying his luck at fly-fishing on the North Fork of the Sespe River, over the week-end ol May 2. He rbported that he made a record catch and brought back a fine assortment of Loch Leven and Rainbow trout. Several fine specimens of his catch were on display for a few days at one of the Los Angeles sporting goods houses and attracted large crowds of the fishing fraternity.

tained to conduct a country-wide survey of the present and potential market for this material. This survey revealed in amazing picture of opportunities for Fir Plywood and its distributors. It showed that while most architects, contractors and others used or specified the product for certain uses, many of them were not familiar with its value in other important applications.

Enthrtsiastic irlterist in this campaign is being expressed by lqmber dealers throughout the country, many of whom had rrot themselves realized the great number of important uses for w.hi,ch Douglas Fir Plywood is being sold. The material is employed in every type of building construction, for paneling,'built-ins, doors, wallboards, partitions, concrete forms, store fixtures, an'd scores of other increasingly important uses. Douglas Fir Plywood is used also in the malnufacture of hundreds of widely difierent products, such as automobiles, furniture, trunks, radios, toys, boats and refrigerators.

Manufacturers sponsoring this campaign are: Aberdeen ywood Company, Aberdeen; Aircraft Plywood Company, Plywood Ply Seattle: Bufielen Lumber & Manufacturinl Seittle; Bufielen-Lumber Manufacturing Company, Tacoma; Harb,or Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam ; Henry McCleary Timber Company, McCleary; M and M Ply^wood Company, Longview; Olympia Veneer Company, 9lyq- pla v eneer uumPi lywood Company, ia Olymrwood Company, Portland; lympia; Oregon-Washington Plywood lortland; Peterman Manufacturing Company, Tacoma; Robinson Manufacturing Company, Eveiett; Vancouv-er Plywood Comoanv. Vancouvei. Wash.: Washineton Veneer Com- Company, Vancouver, Dany. Olympia; and .; Washington Wheeler. Osgood ComPanY, pany; and The Wheeler, Company, Tacoma.


J. W. Willis, vice president and general manager, and D. S. Watrous, sales manager, of the Perfection Oak Flooring Co., Inc., Shreveport, La., were recent Los Angeles visitors, where they spent several days looking over lumber market conditions in the Southern California territory. Together with Rollins A. Brown, of Los Angeles, their Southern California representative, they called on the hardwood trade.

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