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How lrumber l-rooks
Lumber shipments of 457 mills reporting to the National Lumber Trade Barometer exceeded production by 9.9 per cent for the week ended April 24, 1943. rn the same week new orders of these mills were 13.2 per cent greater than production. Unfilled order files in the reporting mills amounted to 95 per cent of stocks. For reporting softwood mills, unfilled orders are equivalent to 38 days' production at the current rate, and gross stocks are equivalent to 37 days' production.
For the year to date, shipments of reporting identical mills exceeded production by 16.6 per cent; orders by 20.3 per cent.
The California Redwood Association reported production of twelve operations ior the month 1943, as 37,343,W0 feet, shipments 51,659,000 orders received 67,66,6,0n feet. Orders on hand of the month totaled 110,895,000 feet.
Redwood of March, feet, and at the end
The Western Pine Association for the week ended April 24,97 mills reporting, gave orders as 81,793,000 feet, shipments 69,786,0N feet, and production 64,820,000 feet. For the week ended April 17 orders were given as 67,037,000 feet shipments 71,219,A00 feet, and shipments &,512.000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for 1,141 mills reporting, gave orders as ments 27,492,n0 feet, and production the week ended May 24,826,WO feet, ship24.546,000 feet. Or- ders on hand at the end of the week totaled 1D,522,ffi0 feet.
The West Coast Lurnbermen's Association for the week ended April 24 reported orders as 133,523,000 feet, shipments 1?E,759,60 feet, and production 120,649,000 feet.
For the week ended May 1, orders were reported as 159'050,000 feet, shipments 120,417,000 feet, and production 120,808,000 ft.
Redwood LoggingConference May 28-29
The annual Redwood Logging Conference will be held in Eureka, May 8-D. The whole purpose of the conference is for the discussion of logging problems. The keynote of the discussion this year will be "Production Bottlenecks'" A field trio to the Holmes Eureka operation will be a feature.
Los Angeles Visitor
Seth L. Butler, Northern California representative of Dant & Russell, Inc., has returned to San Francisco from a 10-day stay in Southern California, where he was visited by his son, Lieut. Jack Butler of the U. S. Navy.
Stationed In San Francisco
Lieut. Jim Berry, formerly rvith Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division, San Francisco, is now stationed at the Depot of Supplies, U. S. Marine Corps, 100 Harrison Street, San Francisco.