1 minute read
wiI pought today, after Yifi,ory
ll there ever wcs q tinre to urge upto-the-hllt buying ol wca Bonds, that time is now! For, by bond purchcses, every Americcrn lcnrily ccn help speed up Viciory, check furlher inllation" build up cr neet egg which can be used to sqtisft' wcnts cnd needs that crre crccunulcdhf duing lhe wcr period.
OI the lqlter, lhe grecrtest cre those inherent fur the love ol hone. This necng ihct crlter viclory, thougqndg cnd thouscurdg of lqmilieE will be in the marLet lor l"''rber qnd other mcrterials to build new homes"
A little bird-dogging on your pcnt will urcoyer nqny ol these potenticl cusloners right in your o\pn comnunity . . . IolkE who not only will buy more Wcn Bonds, but who right now cre plcuning their dterlhe. wcr homes. As crn cuthority on bulldlng nctericrls, your suggesdons will bE welcome, helpfuL cnd should pcrve the wcy to prolitcble gqles as soon qa home building gels the "gocrhecd" stSnal
Awciting Victory, Fordyce cnrd Crossett lunber musl continue going to Uncle Scmr" But every depcrhreut is stcnding by, recrdy to meet your every lunber need qa soon ag lhe grreen llght flcrshesl
4o*D,rcE-e*ossETr .9or* eo.
Fordyce cmd Crossett, Arkqnscs
Dlrblbutorr ior
Fodyce, Arlcnacr
Crorrolt, Arlrouar