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Fort Brass Athletic Field to be Memorial to Edward L. Green
In cooperation with the schools of the City of Fort Bragg and the County of Mendocino, California, friends of Edward L. Green have arranged that plans be drawn to improve and modernizethe athletic field which serves all of the Fort Bragg schools, and that the field be named Edward Lowe Green Memorial Athletic Field.
A fund is now being raised to defray the cost of the planning, to build a memorial players' bench at the football field with a suitable plaque, and to carry out such features of the plan as the fund permits.
It is agreed by the schools and the County that when the Memorial Fund is exhausted, any future improvements to the athletic field will be carried out in accordance with the plans provided by the Memorial Fund.
The sponsors' committee is as follows: Otis R. Johnson, Raymond Shannon; Kenneth Monteagle, Don Blessing, Leonard B. Allison, James L. Snell, Superintendent of Fort Bragg Schools and James E. Busch, D'istrict Attorney, Mendocino County.
Those who desire to contribute to this memorial to Ed Green's memory may do so. Checks should be made payable to Edward Lowe Green Memorial Fund, 1010 Crocker Building, San Francisco.
A Brief Career Sketch
Mr. Green passed away in San Francisco on January 19, 1943, after an illness of several weeks. He was a director and vice-president in charge of production of Union Lumber Company. Born in Aberdeen, Washington, October 25, 1901, he graduated from the Aberdeen High School in 1919. At school he was outstanding in athletics and all other activities.
He was employed by the Nemah Logging Co. of Raymond, Wash., where he was engaged in various activities in connection with their logging operations. In 1920 at the age of 19 he was employed by Union Lumber Co' and went to Fort Bragg to live. He worked in the woods on the South Fork of Ten-Mile River for about a year, then worked at the plant for a period of three years and was transferred to Mendocino, where after a short time he became assistant to R. D. Swales, general manager of The Mendocino Lumber Co.
When the Mendocino plant shut down late in 1931 Mr. Green returned to Fort Bragg, where he became superintendent of manufacture of Union Lumber Co., in charge of converting the logs, handling, refining and shipping the resultant products.
In 1932 he married Eleanor Broemmel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Broemmel of San Francisco. Their daughter, Patricia, is now nine years old.
Upon the death of Harold P. Plummer in April, 1935, Mr. Green was transferred to San Francisco to succeed Mr. Plummer as vice-president in charge of sales. He remained in this position until 1941, when he was transferred to Fort Bragg to succeed M. D. Gray, who had retired as general manager. He was given the titleof vice-president in charge of production. This position included the responsibility for all the company's interests in Mendocino County.
In the passing of Ed Green not only the Union Lumber Company but the entire lumber industry lost a friend, who by his exceptional spirit, his cooperative attitude and his loyalty, endeared himself to the hearts of all who knew him.
Fellow Lrumbermen: Mcry 10, 1943
The Committees lor the Eleventh Amucrl Reveille held at the lecmingrton Hotel, OcHcnd, Mcry 7,1943, tcke this mecns oI thcrnking the sponsors lor their generous support.

The detcrils cre nowbeingworked out to elliciently set up cr loanlund lor our woundedboyswho crre temporcrrily stranded while wcriting lor delcyed pcry checks.
Onbehclf oI our fightingr tn€ne thank you-