7 minute read



Arccta Bedwood Co. . Scm Frcrncisco

Atkinson-Stutz Co. .... .Scm Frcrncisco

J. H. Bcxter & Co. ... Scn Frcncisco

E. L. Bruce Co., Ilrc. .Scrn Frcncisco

Ccnrpbelt-Conro Lumber Co. (Phil Gosslin)... .Ockland

Cclifornicr Plywood, [rc.... .Oqklcmd

Cclifornic Builders Suppty Co.... .Ocktcmd

D. H. LeBreton d E. H. Holmberg .Scm Francisco

Dcrnt d Russell, Inc.... .... .Scm Frcrncisco

H. I. De Vries Lumber Co.. .Scm Frcmcisco

Dolbeer 6 Ccrrson Lumber Co.. .. .Scrn Frcncisco

Donovcm Lumber Co.. .. ... .Strn Frcmcisco

Fleishmcrn Lumber Co... . ...Scn Frcrncisco

Gamerslon & Green Lumber Co. . .San Frqncisco

Jcnes L Halt. ..Scm Frcncisco

Hcnrmond Lumber Co.. . .Scrn Frcmcisco

Lloyd Hcuris (Vqncouver Plywood & Veneer Co.) ....OaHcnd l. E. Higgins Lumber Co.... .Scm Frcncisco

Hill & Morton" Inc. . .OcHcud

Hobbs Wcll Lumber Co. ...Scm Frcmcisco

Holnes Eurelcc Lumber Co. .. . Scn Frcrncisco

Hcrbor Plywood Corp. ol Cclifornicr. .San Frcrncisco

G D. Iotrnson Lumber Corporction ..Scrn Frcncieco

Jones Hcrdwood Co. Scm Frcmcisco

Lamon-Bonnington Co. ... ..Scm Frcncisco

Long-Bell Lunber Co. . .Scn Frcmcisco

Bcy City Lumber Co. . ... OcHand

Bootacur Lurrber Co. . ... Oqklcmd

Builders Emporium

Ccrter Lumber Co. .. ..... Ocklcnd

Econorry Lumber Co. . .. . Oclclcrnd

El Cerrito Lumber Co. .. El Cerrito

Eurekcr Mitl C Lumber Co. . Ocrklcrnd

Hcrywcnd MiU d Lumber Co. .. Hcryurcrrd

R. G. Hiscox Lumber Co. ..... Berkeley

Hogcur Lumber Co. OaHcrnd

Isnnom Bros. Mlg. Co. . ....... .. Ocrklcrad

McrcDoncrld & Hcnrington" Ltd. ...Scrn Frcncisco

MooreMiUd Lumber Co. ...... . ScrrFrcmcisco

NicolciDoorScrlesCo. .... ScnFrcmcisco

The Pacilic Lumber Co. . .. .Scrn Frcrncisco

ParcrminoLumberCo. .. .....ScnrFrancisco

I. E. Peggs .. .. .Scrr Frcurci:sco

Pope & Tcrlbot, Inc., Lumber Division .Scn Frccrcisco

Pyrcmid Lumber Scles Co. .Oaklcmd

Redwood Mcmulccturers Co. ....Pittsburg

Rockport Redwood Co. . .. .Sqn Frtrncirsco

TheRoss-TerrellCo. ..... GrcntsPass,Ore.

Scntcr Cruz Lumber Co. . Scsrtc Cruz

Scrntc Fe Lumber Co. . Scn Frcmcisco

Schqler Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co.... ...Scrn Frcrncisco

Shevlin Pine Scles Co. . Scrn Frcmcisco

Strcble Hcrdwood Co. ...OqHcnrd

Sudden & Christenson, Inc. .Scn Frcmcisco

Union Lumber Compcny Scrn Frtmcisco

Wendling-Ncrthcm Co. Scsr Frcncisco

Western Door d Scsh Co. OqHcrnd

West Oregon Lumber Co. . . Scrn Frcncisco

WeyerhceuserSclesCo... ScmFrcncisco

White Brothers .. ... Oaklcrnd

Wholescle Lumber Distributors, Inc. .....; .OqHcmd

R. O. Wilson Lumber Co. .. Ocklcnd

E. K. Wood Lumber Co. .. . Scm Frcmcisco


Lincoln Lumber Co. .. ... Oqklcmd

Ioop Lumber & Mill Co. . ..Alcrnedcr

Loop Lumber Co. .. Scn Frqncisco

Melrose Lumber Co. .. ... Oclclcmd

Piedmont Lumber & lUill Co. .. Oqklcmd

Scn Lecrndro Mill & Lumber Co. .. .. Scnr lecm&o

Smith Lumber Co. .. Oaklcmd

E. K. Wood Lumber Co. .. . OsHand

Wood Products Oaklcmd

Zeniih MiU C Lumber Co. Ocklcrnd

Very truly yours, NEVEIIJ.E COMMITTIEE

His daddy used to lead him by the hand, Across the meadows in the falling dusk, On little pleasure trips that they had planned, When all the woods were redolent with musk; And when he grew to be a stalwart lad, There was a place that only he could fill. Today a letter brought his daddy word, That he was killed in action, over there. His face paled, and his misty eyes were blurred, The while his lips moved silently in prayer; And then he seemed to feel a hidden joyKnowing God must be lonesome for his boy.

T : B. in Chicago Tribune.

During the first World War the splendid English poet Laurence Binyon, in his poem "For the Fallen," wrote one of the most famous little war heart throbs of history: They shall not grow old, As we that are left, grow old. Age shall not weary them, Nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, And in the morning, We shall remember them.

Duty makes a yo'ng ^:ii a good soldier or sailor; but faming patriotism makes him an unbeatable and indestructible knight in shining armor, fighting for the land he loves and for the fag that fies above it.


The British tell us now that after DunHrk they had only enough ammunition left in Britain to keep its forces fighting for ONE MINUTE. I'11 bet the regret for that lost opporttrnity is what has brought about whatever it is that has happcned to Hitler. Can't you imagine that egomaniac waking at night and screaming aloud when he thinks of that one minute of ehooting-+nd then SILENCE -that would have been England's lot had he followed them across the channel after Dunkirk? ***

One report I read recently declared that-unable to stand the strain of the past year-Hitler has taken to the bottle; has become a dipsomaniac. Well, that wasn't so great a change. All he had to do was add the "dipso." He had the rest of it all the time. tt|lrt

At a time when some thousands of retail lumber yards have gone out of business due to war conditions, we watch with wonderment some men who go at it in just the op posite fashion. I know of a man who rented a disused lumber yard, bought an old rookery of a house across the street, wrecked it, and sold the materials. Bought another and did the same. Then several more. Then he got some new lumber in. Then some sash, doors, and windows. Now he's in the lumber business and doing well, getting biggcr every day.

*!t t*!S

In Hollywood, California, they have a phrase in common use: "Gone Hollywood." ft refers to folkb who go there, get the strange Hollywood serum in their blood, and begin acting as they never had before. Now they use that same approach concerning the city of Washington. They say a man has "Gone Washington." Which means that infation of various sorts has hit him, and he acts and talks as he never had been knourn to do. He sort of gets elephantiasis of ideas, if you know what I mean. The mania to talk big, act big, and infate everything he touches, seems to overcome his ordinary calm judgment.

Probably no better case of a man "Gone Washington" could be pointed out than that of Elmer Davis, Director of the Office of War Information; they call itOWI. No man ever took a bureau job who was more highly regarded. It was generally conceded that he was a good man, a good journalist, a good writer, and a man of sound judgment. He took a job gathering and distributing from the various agencies of the Federal Government at Washington the essential news, and distributing it to the nation. ff some privately owned news agency had undertaken that same job it would probably have employed a hundrbd or so expert men. Know how many Elmer hired? FOUR TI{OUSAND. No wonder he is having his dog Hcked around Washington, being "derided and denied, belittled and belied." Not to mention investigated. Trying to divide the

\pork of a few score competent people among four thousand would get any man in trouble.

When the investigators asked him why he published millions of copies of books and things that were pure political propaganda, his replies were unconvincing excuses. He could have told them the truth, that he had to find something for that army of writers to do, so he was forced to turn them loose on many things unrelated to the war information he was hired to gather and distribute. He is asHng forty-seven million dollars to finance that army for the ensuing year. Forty-seven million dollars ! He "went Washington" sure nuff t *** rf**

What's become of that good old slogan-"The customer is always right"? Gone are those days. They tell about a cafe that set up a sign: "Don't criticize our waiters. They are a heap harder to get than customers." And that, ladies and gents, is the text of the entire national situation. No one worries about customers-it's the help.

I read about a California restaurant that advertised in the newspapers as follows: "Man wanted to operate dishwashing machine. Six days a week. $30 and meals. Pleasant surroundings. Congenial workers, all Democrats. Birds sing all.during eight hour shift. We know you'll like us, and we hope we'll like you." The ad made a hit, brought them a lot of new business, and won them a prize for clever advertising. BUT IT DIDN'T GET THEM A DISHWASHER.

That job paid $11 a week just three years back, and they could get all the help they wanted at that price. I clipped an ad the other day offering $360 a month for a type of laborer who was getting about $60 a month for that same work three years ago. No wonder that with so many of the things we buy the price keeps edging up, the quality and quantity keep sliding down. Where will it end? Ah, friend, if I knew !

From England comes a sweet sample of humorous advertising. A Manchester firrniture store got hit by a German bomb, and badly wrecked. The management advised the public about it in their advertising, and added: "BUT YOU OUGHT TO SEE OUR BERLIN BRANCH." Swell sample of gameness.


Those British storekeepers had learned well the philosophy of an old colored man I used to know. He had more than his share of trials and tribulations in life, yet was alwas cheerful, always smiling, always with a good word to say. Someone asked him one day how come he was always that way, and he said: "Well, Cap'n, I'll tell you how come. I jes' learned long ergo to cooperate wif de inevitable."

There has been plenty of reprinting of the story of the rookie soldier on K. P. duty who said he had never been able to learn to cook out of a cook book, because every recipe started with an impossible suggestion-"Take a clean dish." And what, some woman wants to know, can you do with that good old recipe that began: "Take a quart of whipping cream, a dozen eggs, and a pound of butter?" !F**

We have come to a time when you may still hear a man declare that he makes a lot of money, but you'll never hear one say that he "brings home the bacon." Not much, any\pay.

The late Ramsay McDonald, Premier of Great Britain, urras once making a speech on the possibility of creating a lasting peace in the world. A critic interrupted the speech to say: "The desire for peace does not necessarily instrre it." "Quite true," replied the quick witted Premier. "Neither does the desire for food satisfy your hunger; but at least it gets you started towards a restaurant."

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