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Dfiaelfonald & Ilarringtorl: Ltd.
16 Cdifornia Street, San Francisco
GArfield 8393
Creosoted and Volmanized Lumber and Piling LOS ANGELES
Petrole-- Bldg. PRupect 3127
RAIL and CARGO PORTI.AND PittocL Blocl BRoadway 1217
Use of '\(/'esternPineRestricted bv \(/PB
San Francisco, May 6-The War Production Board today restricted the use of seven species of Western lumber almost entirely to essential military needs. The action was taken through issuance of a limitation order L-M, which becomes effective May 13.
The lumber restricted by the order includes all ponderosa pine, sugar pine, Idaho white pine, white fir, lodgepole pine, Engelmann spruce and western white spruce, except shingles, lath or railroad cross-ties, produced in the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and South Dakota.
Demands for military boxing and crating have become so great that it was found necessary to stop unessential and less essential uses of the lumber.
The order affects about 800 producers in the specified states. These producers can sell or deliver the restricted lumber to the central producing agency of the Corps of Engineers, to other designated government agencies, to Lend-Lease countries, and to their contractors and sub contractors.
L-D0 also provides that no person, including the armed services or other government agencies, may purchase certain grades of the affected species for use in construction.
WPB recognizes that certain essential civilian uses must be cared for. To provide for these, the restricted lumber will be released through authorization on form PD-872.
L-nO also provides that the War Production Board may allocate certain quantities or percentages of production or shipments to specified persons for specific uses, without regard to any preference ratings assigned to particular purchase orders or contracts.
Adds To Holdinss
The Placerville Lumber Company, Placerville, Calif., under the management of Harvey E. West recently completed two lumber transactions increasing the timber holdings of the company by over 200 million feet.
The A. J. Rupley timber land east of the American River which comprises approximately 10,000 acres estimated to contain over 100,000,000 feet, recently was purchased by the company. Manager West reports that included in the transaction are the Plum Creek or Shank and Wilbur mill and the Bradbury & Tuman mill. These will be dismantled and the machinery used in other operations.
The Placerville Lumber Company also has signed a contract with the Silver Fork Lumber Company for operations in the Silver Fork area. The Sacramento Box Company, which formerly worked in the area, has dismantled its mill there and is building a new one in the Woodleaf region east of Marysville.
Mr. West says the Placerville company's logging camps at Tahoe Valley, Fresh Pond, Silver Fork and Alder Creek are open and the falling of timber has begun. Sawmills at Tahoe Valley and Fresh Pond are expected to begin operations next week. The manager said the total timber now available to the company exceeds 500,0@,000 feet.
are turning out will aggression! Your work, the bondsyou buy, will keep these plants performing as they should !
A mechanized lumber industry wcs crble to meet the sudden demcrnds oI Wcrr without "tooling up," Wood products were needed FIBST belore troops could be housed or new Iactories built.

In spite ol depletedmcnpower and shortcge oI equipment cnd supplies the men oI the woods and mills hcve come through with record-brecking output.
In this effortRed River's men qnd women cre proud to be tckingpqil. *PA['L BT'NYAN'S"