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Pasadena Yard Advertises 3OO% Shin$les
The editorial, "California, Texas, Thin Shingles, Thick Shingles, etc.," printed in the May | 5th igsue of this journal, has borne fruit.
Mr. G. H. Caslen, man' ager of the Pagadena branch of the Wm. Bettingen Lumber Company, in a letter about this article, saye: "Your article relative to better ehingles in a recent iesuc
Haae You Seen Our StocA 300% Red Cedar Shinsl,
Of Tes
Three hundred per cent shingles sounds odd dor it? But this is how it figures out: 10070 edgegrain 1007" heart l0O%Clear. That makes 3O0/o. Our Royal Shingles, both in random and dimension I butts, come up to these specifications. When put on galvanized iron nails, their time service is practically limited, together with beauty and appearance not obtair with ordinary shingle roofs. Yet the initial cost is slightly greater than average wood shingles. If you considering a shingle roof of any kind let us show you 3007a shingles.
Wm. Bettingen Lnmber Co.
15O E Glenarrn, Paradena doesn't n width on with ally un,tainable t is but you are you our 6707 attracted our attention to such an extent that we made use of certain portions ofit with very good results. We desire to thank 'The California Lumber Merchant' for an excellent idea."
This company had a large display advertisement in the May l Tth issue of the Pasadena "Evening Posq" set up as shown herewith.
Stock gize Hipolito Window Screens and Screen Doors are better than can be made by hand for anywhere near the same price. They'greadvertised.They sell easily. They canT be laid down at any point in the west at/a price you can make money on. You.,gKould get your share of this t'usiness. White for our new price list.
And the happinetr, contentment and pride of pooreesion is worth all the efforts ideal hornec exact.
This and hundreds of ottrermodern, attractive, convenient and practical home planc are available for you to adopt and build fnom. Come to Our Office. See actual photographs of these ideal homer. This service is free to our eustomers.
John W. Koehl & Son F;xpay)Kg
John W. Koehl & Son, large wholesalers of sash and doors and other mill products, in Los Angeles, have just acquired a piece of ground adjoining their present factory, that will give them practically double the ipace that they have had.
This lew site, immediately adjoining their factory on the 6outh, is 150x120 feet and will be used, according to Mr. A, W. Koehl, president of the company, for an eipansion of their factory and warehouse. It is understood tliat thev will startthe construction of a modern two story brict building, to occupy the entire site.
The,present factory buildings are on a 175 foot piece of ground on South Anderson Street, near the vard of patten & Davies. With this additional space, the address of |ohn W. Koehl & Son will be 652 to 676 South Anderson Si.
Lumber Rate Case Hearing Held in San Francisco
At a meeting held jointly before the Interstate Commerce Commission and State Railroad Commission in San Francisco last week, the Los Angeles Lumber products Co. offered their_proposed mileage scale on lumber shipments from San Pedro toall California points south of the Oregon State line. The Southern Paiific Railroad also submitted a proposed mileage scale for the Commissions approval, which rates were in excess of those proposed by the Los Angeles Lumber Products Co. SevCral- promin- ent lumbermen of Calfornia nad Oregon acting as repre- sentative of the rail shippers of lumbeiinto catilornia tisti- fied.at the hearing and were friendly interverners to the carriers co-operating iri the cariers defense. The matter was taken under advisement by the Commission and it will probably be four or five months before a decision is rendered in the matter.
R. L. Reed, of J. W. Vance & Co., San Francisco. has returned from Douglas, Arizona, where he attended the recent annual convention of the Arizona Retail Dealers. I{e states that the meeting was largely attended, that the p.roceeding_s at the meeting were interesting and instruc_ tive, and that everybody had a wonderful tiile. Mr. Reecl has.been representing J. W. Vance & Co. in the Arizona terrrtory.