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Father Time has swung round the annual circuit again-have you noticed that his swings seem to grow shorter and shorter as the grey hairs in your head accumulate?-and once more the open season has come, and sleeping porch time is with us.

Year after year at this season, we advise the building merchant to get out and see that the people of his territory are given a fine chance to buy a sleeping porch.

You ought to have a list of every home in your selling district that needs a sleeping porch. You ought to get out after every owner on that list. You ought to have something definite, specific, and interesting, to offer him. You should know just what sort of porch could be added to his home, and what it would cost him-exactly for the materials and approximately for the entire job-and be prepared to give him the service.

Build him a sleeping porch, and that man and his family will be forever grateful to you for so doing.

Get the right idea in your head, He is NOT going to be grateful to you for the boards and screen and rooflng that go to construct that porch. What he is going to appreciate is the comfort, the convenience, the luxury, the thorough satisfaction that comes from sleeping in the open air, ona well built sleeping porch.

llave some sleeping porch pictures in your collection so that you can visualize for him the attractiveness of the addition that you propose.

, The promotion of sleeping porches is the promotion of the DESIRE for the FUNCTIONS of such a porch. So, when you go out to sell sleeping porches, cease to be a building materal salesman, and become a BUILDING SALESMAN. The material that goes into a sleeping porch is small. So sell the IDEA, throw in the materials, deliver the finished porch, and get a price for your BRAINS.

Get some sleeping porch plans and pictures.

Run an attractive sleeping porch ad in your local papers.

Write every sleeping porch prospect a letter.

Call on those that show an interest, and on as many more as possible.

Make YOUR town a sleeping porch town

Facts About Tacoma

Something of the magnitude of the lumber business carried on in Tacoma. which has been awarded the title of "The Lumber Capital of America," is shown in figures obtained in a survey which has just been made by the Tacoma Lumbermen's Club. According to these, the outputof only five of the leading mills in the Tacoma District exceeds 416 million feet annually, while six mills located within the city limitsof Tacmoa cut more than 410 million feet each year.

In these totals the lumber production of the largest manufacturer of fir doors in the world, also located in the city of Tacoma was not included nor do they include the production of more than 200 other mills and woodworking plants in the Tacoma District a number of which cut from 25 to 30 million feet annually.

The importance of the industry economically is indicated by the report which shorvs that the total annual payroll of only 4l mills amounts to $12.865,000.

Southern California Lumbermen Endorse Plan Of Greater Los Angeles Association

At a recent meeting of the Los Angeles District Lumbermens Club, a resolrrtion of endorsement of the plan of the Greater Los Angeles Association, was approved and a committee appointed to endeavor to secure a 100 per cent membership among the club.

J. C. Owens of the Owens Parks Lumber Company, Sam Hayward, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., and Ed. Betts, of the Betts Koenig Lumber Co., were appointed as the committee.

G. S. Hays Transfered to Longview

George S. Hays, general manager of theFidelity Division of The Long-Bell l,umber Company at Doucette, Tex.. has been transfered to Longview, Wash,, where he will become assistant to S. M. Morris, general western manager of the company.

J. H. Kenneson, g'eneral manager of the Rapides Division at Woodworth, La., will succeed Mr. Hays at Doucette and P. L. Reagan, superintendent of the manufacturing plant at Ludington, La., will be transferred to Wood'r'r'orth as general manager of the Rapides Division.


Otis R. Johnson andHarold Plummer of the Union I.umber Co., San Francisco, have returned from a two weeks' business trip to Los Angeles and Southern California points. They state that building operations in the South continue active and that they are finding a good demand for redwood in the southern market.

Earl White A San Francisco Visitor

EarlWhite, popular lumberman and representative of the California Door Co. at Folsom, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days attending to business matters. He also attended the luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel on May 17 where he met a good many of his lumbermen friends.


The Fox-McNulty I-umber Co. of Redwood City have moved to new quarters and are now located on Arguello Boulevard where the company has acquired a two and a |ralf acre tract for yards and office buildings.

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