2 minute read
It is said that sorne specieE of wood can be found in the Philippines to suit almoet any imaginable putpose that the user may have in mind.
Pacific Southwest Import Co. has just published an interesting and instructive booklet on "Philippine Har&roods and Their lJges."
It gives important facts concerning all of theprincipal species of hardwoods found on the Islands.
If you are using hardwoods for any purpoEefurniture, cabinet work, interior trim, fooring, tool handles and heavy construction,you will find information of interest to you in the folder.
Write for a copy. No obligation attached.
We are direct importere of all Philippine herdwoodr, including Fhilippine Mahogany, Tanguile, Guiio, Yacal Apitong and other rrarietiee.
Apitong and other varietiee. Pricer, deliveriea and other information gladly furnirhed upon requert.
Novel Letter Sent to Trade
The Jones llardlvood Company, of San Francisco, in sending out their last price list to the trade, enclos,ed a letter to each dealer in a form that is quite novel, and rvithout doubt attracted immecliate attention.
On a regular company letterhead, with the picture of a hardlvood 1og, that a glance identifies the name .Jones, this "nen's item" lvas prominently displayed.
Badly Mutilated Remains Found in Jones Hardwood Company's Yard
Two small boys vvhile playing around the extensive Hardwood Lumber Yard of the Jones Hardwood Corhpany, Beale and Bryant Streets, came across the badly mutilated body of HIGH HARDWOOD PRICES,
Detectives were immediately dispatched to the scene of the murder, but were met at the entrance by Nelson E. Jones, President and Manager of the above mentioned concern, who assumed full responsibility for the brutal murder.
Washington, N[ay 20-The Bureau of Standards is making tests of the Burnot fire-proofing paint. The same paint is also being tested by theBuilding Department of the City of Denver.
The manufacturers of this paint make claims for it, which, if supported by tests and experience, will overcome a large part of the opposition to the use of lumber in places exposed to the initial sources of ignition such as burning papers, cinders, or brands, cigar and cigarette buts, gas jets, burning kerosene, gasoline or alcohol, electric short circuits, and other minor fire beginnings which are the cause of 90 per cent of all fires in buildings. In other words, the claim is put forward that this nerv paint will prevent rvood ignition from all such sources and ther,eby prevent the starting of all accidental fires which originate with rvood as their fuel. If the claim can be substantiated lumber rvill be put on a par with the so-called fire-proof substitutes at the beginning of fires. Once a conflagration is under wa;r. the r'veakness of incombustible materials in other resDects than combustibility offset that quality in lumber.
Jack Ferger A San Francisco Visitor
Jack Ferger, of the Srvastika I-umber Co., Fresno, rvas a recent San Francisco Bay visitor rn'here he spent several days attending to business matters and calling on the lrrmber trade.
Southern Pine Association Furnishes Dealer Helps
Nerv Orleans, May 20.-An attractive four-page folden in colors, setting forth some new "sales helps" for retail Iumber dealers, was sent out by the Advertising Department of the Southern Pine Associatio'n last week to aoproximately 10,500 ,retail lumber distributors in Southein Pine consuming teritory.
This folder contained snappy descriptions of four of the Association's plan books-J'Southern Pine Homes" containing designs and floor plans of fifty attractive homes, rvhich has just recently come off the press; "Modern Flomes," "How to Plan, F'inance & Build Your Home," "Southern Pine Garages," and "Southern Pine Barns." Suggestions also were macle to tlre dealers as: to ho,iv these plan books can be used to advantage in promoting the merchandising of lumber and rendering servce to prospective builders of homes, barns and garages,. Partof one page of the folder r,r'as devotecl tol reproduction, of some of the highly conrplimentary colnntent received fronr Iunrber retailers concerning the value of the plan books.