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Advertiring Ratcr on Application
"Douglas Fir; No. 2 and No. 3 Commons items are t{re strongest items. Other items on the list show no change from last report. Several concerrrs report that rail shipments into Northern California and Sacramento and San Joaquin Valley sections have shown big improvement over the month of April. A few concerns interviewed stated that their rail business during the month of May was greater than May, 1924.
"Redwood mills continue to show about a l6Vo curtailment. Although the Association report for the week ending May 16 shows an increase in orders, operators report the market fairly active and no change over market report made two weeks ago.
"White and Sugar Fine. California demand fair. Ea.rtern market fairly active."
Carl Crow, Portland authority, had this to say, on May 15th:
"Many things can happen during the ne:rt thirty days.
"If a sufficient number of the mills shut down for two or three weeks, it is not only possible but likely that the market will show an irnmediate response
"The situation rests entirely in the hands of the producers. If they continue to run on the basis that they are now, prices will continue to go down.
"The retailers have no control over the actual consumption of lumber. lt will go on just the same if the supply is cut down, in which event the ultimate effectc on the market are obvious.tt
The Last report from the West Coast Lurnbermen's Association shows a week's cut of 1O0 million feet and sales of 116 million, sixteen percent above production. Forty-nine million feet of this business, 43/s, wag water delivery, 34 million domestic and 15 million export.
Sacramento, May 26.
A new and ingenious argument in favor of California horne building which real estate agents have thus far overlooked was advanced today when it becarne known that the children of apartment dwellers and others who rent their homes are materially retarded in school work by constant moving.
Couples about to embark on the sea of matrimony were urged by Will C. Wood, state superintendent of public instruction, to t'owrr a home.tt
"Migration of parents in California is keeping thousands of school children a year or more behind yowrgstera of similar age who live in permanent homelrtt he said.