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(The Clearing House)

This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:

TheFellow Who Wants to Buy

TheFellow Who Wants to Sell

TheFellow Who Wants to Hire

Rate: $2,s0 per coturnn inch


TheFellow Who Wants to Be Hired


Retail lumber yard for cash. Give full details first letter. Address Box A-47. care California Lumber Merchant.

Want To Invest

'Wanted, to put in $20,000 to $30,000, rvith retail lumber business. and take active oart. A-48. care California Lumber Merchani.

some one in Address Box


Three years' experience selling the lumber trade of the Sacramento Valley and San Joaquin Valley. Open for a position at once with reliable wholesale concern or as mill representative. At present time employed but desire change. Address Box A-50, care California Lumber Merchant.


Position as yard man in country lumber yard. Long experience and good references. Address Box A-44, care California Lumber Merchant.

WANTED:-To buy a planing mill or Machinery must be in first class condition every respect. Will pay cash. Address California Lumber Merchant.

3-Lumber Merchant

Calvin 5-20-25

By competent man, position in some good city in South^rn Calif. Now employed as Manager in three yard town, rvith present employer 8 years as Manager. Married, age 35. Am capable and willing to earn good salary. Good bookkeeper. Will start in any capacity with right company. References. Available May lst. Box A-42, care California Lumber Merchant.

WANTED: mill equipment. and modern in Box A-49, care

POSITION as salesman with Wholesale Lumber Company. Ten years'experience. Best of references. Address Box A-40, care California Lumber Merchant.


WANTED: panel salesman for Southern California ter- ritory. Prefer one with personal acquaintance among the t1ade, but will interview any young man possessing lales abilitv. Splendid opportunity foi right -man. Add.ess box 29-F, care California Lumber Merihant.

WANTED, by competent man, position in some good city in Southern California. Now employed as Manager in a three-yard town, with present employer 8 years as Manager. Married, age 35. Am capable and willing to earn a good salary. Good bookkeeper. Will start in any capacity with right company. References. Available May lst. Address Box A-41 care California Lumber Merchant.

RETAIL YARD for sale, excellent location on Suburban Boulevard, Los Angeles. Yard doing a good business and making a profit. $35,000 cash required. Address box A-38, care California Lumber Merchant.

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