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Season Under Way in Timber Near Alturas
The Likely Lumber Company, operating on government and private stumpage in the Modoc National Forest, commenced active operations the past week. It expects to manufacture at least 3,000,000 feet of lumber during the present season, mostly western yellow pine.
The company, has recently completed construction work on a new mill, and last season installed an up-to-date slab burner in which to dispose of surplus refuse not needed for fuel.
H. Endorning, veteran lumberman of Lassen County, will be associated with Booth Bros. of Likelv. otvners oi ttre mill, in the operation of the plant this yeir.
The Davis Creek Lumber Company, located near the town of Davis Creek in Goose Lake Valley, expects to commence sawing during the week of May 18. This company operates entirely on government stumpage and expects to have a season run of at least 2,000,000 feet.
The Jerome Mill, also located in the Warner Mountains, adjacent to Goose Lake Valley, expects to cut at least 2,000,000 feet during the preseni seas-on. This mill will be managed by John Fossett, formerly of Louisiana, who, in addition to owning 72O acres of timber land adjacent to the mill, has also recently purchased the old Fandango Lumber Company's sawmill in Fandango Valley and timEer land to the amount of almost 1,800 acles adjoining. Except for a brieJ period in 1919, the Fandango Mitt hai not been operated for-the past ten years. No announcement has yet Seen made whether the Fandango Mill will operate duiing the present season or not. The surrounding timber is an excellent stand of mixed pine and white fii.
A new sawmill to commence operations in Modoc Countt during 1925 is that recently built by Marlatt Brotheri south of Canby on Tom's Creek, where it is expected abou 1,000,000 feet of lumber will be manufactured before Fal Marlatt Brothers formerly operated b shingle mill at thi point.
Ewauna Box Company Adding Kilns
The Ewauna Box Company is adding fivi more kilns t its drying plant. ten kilns are operating now, witfr a ca pacity between fifty and sixtyrthousand feet per day. Th addition of the new kilns will bring the capacity of the dry ing plant to between seventy-five and ninety thousand, de pending upon the thickness of lumber cut and the shifts rur
The additional capacity of the kilns will more than car for the drying of the shop and better grades and allow rus orders of common to be put through without slowing up op erations.
That Which Is Useful
It is recorded that Socrates was once asked by one o his students : "What is the beautiful ?" to which the vener able philosopher replied: "That which is useful."
The first duty of the forest is to produce tree crops, cofl tinuously.It may also produce grazing for sheep ind cat tle, watershed protection, and recreation. Conservation i wise use. The forester seeks to make the forest most usefr to civilization. Esthetics are given full consideration. bu m,ust take their proper place ih a well balanced progran Man does not live by scenery alone, nor can our civilizatior stand without boards.