2 minute read
From Pioneers to Specialists
Thruout the civilized world, results of the advancement in the manufacture of motor care is common knowledge. There has been a like advancement in the manufacture of Louisville Figrrred Red Gum Products. In fourteen yeare we have jumped from pioneers to specialists.
:roborated a number of things brought out by Mr. Hardy, Sgested that the Club as a body, get back of a movement vard the strengthening of the present Lien Law, and d of the application of the Arizona legislation as com-
Phil B! Hart. of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERANT, Los Angeles, was asked for a few words. He ing across the country, all with the urge of more intelligent and careful thought by manufacturers as well as distributors, during the present business conditions.
Mr. E. L. O'Malley, Phoenix, thanked the two former speakers, and moved the appointment of a Lien Law committee. This was passed, and the incoming officers asked make such an appointment.
Mr. S. M. Eaton, of Holbrook, with the W. M. Cady Lumber Company, then spoke, inviting the Club to make Holbrook or Flagstaff their next meeting place, and to :cept the invitation of the mills to inspect their plants. his ended the program session, and was followed by the business session of the Club.
Mr. J. B. Campbell was unanimously elected to serve as President, E. L. O'Malley, Vice-President, John H. Wood, Secretarv. and Tohn C. Lieht. Francis M. Pool. H. H. rcretary, and John Light, Pool, H. Loup and H. S. Corbett as Directors.
The Convention closed with the adoption of a Resoluion of Thanks to all visiting lumbermen and representaives of other industries.
Saturday Banquet
The Saturday evening banquet and dance was held at the rsmopolitan Cafe, across the border, in Nogales-Sonora.
Mr. Percy I. Merithew, Phoenix, acted as host, and as presentative for the number of wholesale concerns who d contributed to make this affair a wonderful success.
The hosts were: Monolith Cement Co., S. W. Cement ., R. P. Cement Co., C. P. Cement Co., Pioneer Paper o., 'Weaver Roof Co., Fletcher & Frambes, Inc., S. C. ooper Lumber Co., A. L. Hoover, Chas. R. McCormick Co., E. U. Wheelock, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Ifamrnd Lumber Co., W. M. Cady Lumber Co., Saginaw & annister Lumber Co.. Arizona Lumber & Timber Co., d the S. W. Sash and Door Co.
All of the Club members. with their wives and sweetrts. the visitors from California and a number of notables Nogales responded to the gavel in the hands of Toastster Merithew. He called on Tack Halloran for a Toast the Ladies, and Jack of course responded in his never ailing, inimitable way, paying a tribute to the lumber ies of their state.
(Continued c;n Page 62.)
There waE a time when we cut logs; now we cut entire trees into veneerg, retaining intact all of the output, some 50,000 feet. All of this veneer contains the same prominent figure deeign, soft texture, and is similar in coloring. Each flitch is sampled, just like our other fancy woods. The cutting is smooth, thicknegs uniform, and the grade standard. Could more be asked?
Figured Red Gum Plywood is carried in gtock right in Los Angeles in sizes, /4" and 5-16"-3 Ply, 3/g"-5 Ply, 18", 24", and 3O" wide x 48", 60" and, 72" long.
There Are No Better Veneers