1 minute read
The Cort of the 'HILKE" ie a lot lere than the cost of. getting along without it!
Patented United Stater and Canada fHE rapid adoption of the Hilke Lumber Piler-now more than 50 ir I qse. in t}re.-\Mest-is proof not alone of mechanical efficiency but also that it builds up profits as well as Iumber piles, Among the numerous economies it effects are these: ground cost or rental; cost of alleys; rrpkeep of alleys; cost of pile bases; cost of roof boards; reduced time and wages due to shorter haul. The "HILKE" also reduces handling damage and results in quicker and better.drying.. ft. is operated by-gas or-electricity. Runs on track or on nat trucK wneels.
Mfd. by Seattle Machine Works Seattle, Warh.
ArL for catalog.
69 Columbia St. SEATTLE 7,14 Audubon Bldg, NEW ORLEANS
472 Monadnock BIdg., SAN FRANCISCO