1 minute read
Building Material Salesmen's Club at San Diego
Since the memory -of m_an runneth not to the contrary, salesmen in the Lumber, Sash & Door and Millwork bus'i_ ness have been rvorked t9 a fare-ye-well by customers and ' prospective customers. Each haj been told what his com_ peting. sales.m.an has agreed to do in the way of quoting a cut price, giving extra service or donating this, tnat or ?ne other on the scriptural basis of conferring these benefits wrthout _money and without price. The iesult has been that each salesman endeavors to go his competitor iust enough better to land the order-an-d often the'means em_ ployed to do this are far from being fair or honorable. The result of all this is, loss to the firin, a conviction more or Iess fixed that the salesmen of competi"g .on..ir. -"i. utterly. devoid of a sense of business honorl and that it is up _tqhim to beat them by any means, whehier fair or foul, and finally a permanent drop in his own business methods and standards.
To meet this all too common situation, the Lumber. Sash and Door, and Millwork salesmen of the S"n O;ego'terii_ tory_ decided to meet and organize a Salesmen's Cjub that would promote and establish-mutual friendship, confidence and respect am.ong its members and theret y i^p.o"e ara elevate the methods and ethics of their profession. __The organization meeting-was held N{onday evening, M"y l lth, in the too-t 6f the Mater.almen's Associa_ tion in the Union Building. Mr. O. S. King, president of the l\'fillwork Institute foi San Diego Countyland Super_ intendent of the Chas. R. McCormiik Lum6er ComJ.nr, Mill, who had conceived the idea of a salesmen,s club, anf at whose suggestion the meeting had been called, spoice at length on the needs of such an organization and what the salesmen could accomplish, both f6r themselves and their firms, by means of it.
Aftpr M.r. King's_ talk, a permanent organization was ef_ tected with the following officers electeci:
_ President, Arthur E. Scott, of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber. Company; Vice-President, Wallace Walters, .f ih; Spreckels Brothers Commercial Company; Sec'y_Treas., S. A, Paddock, of the Materialmen,s Associition. -
The following permanent committees were appointed: Rules. & Regulations, Membership, Complainis and In_ vestigations, Programs & Entertainment, Education.
_r_here are twenty-eight Charter Members.
Mr..G. F. Hoff, Secretary-Attorney for the Materialmen,s Association was present and gave a ialk, pointing ."i ;1"i could be accomplished by fair competiti,on and- close co_ operatio_n. Mr. Hoff was elected an-honorary life member of the Club.
(Continued on Page 12)