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A New Servicerr lor Uou and, Aour customers
"Redwood Home Plans California Architects," soon be off the press. will by narne of the dealer imprinted on the book.
Mernber Mills:
Alblon Lumber Company
Caepar Lumber CompanY
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blalr Redwood Co.
Hammond Lumber Company
J. R. Ilantfy Company
Hobbs, \ilall & Company
Holmee Bureka Lumber Co.
Llttle Rlver Redwood Co.
Mendoclno Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
Redwood Manufacturers Co.
The Paclflc Lumber Co.
Unlon Lumber Company
It is a unique 48-page Plan book, every home design in which was the work of a Certified Architect of California. Seventy-eight plans were submitted. The Co*mittee of Award, appointed bY the San Francisco Chapter, American lnstitute of Architects, selected six plans for awards and sixteen for Honorable Mention.
These twentY-two Plans are reproduced in the new book. All are plans for small, allwood houses.
These books will be supPlied to dealers everywhere at less than cost. They will carrY the
They can be distributed to your customers as you desire either free or at cost.
Complete drawings and specifications for any plan in the book will be furnished to any of your customers at nominal costs.
Thus you are enabled to stimulate the building of architecturally correct small, allwood houses in your conlmulity. And you can do it, by serving your customers more completely.
"Redwood Home Plans by California Architects" can be a business-builder for you. Write for additional information.