7 minute read
By lack dionne
He Thought They were charter Members of His Gang
The Irishman who was walking about, seeing the sights of a strange city, grew tired so walked into a big church, and sat down in the cool, shady pew, and fell asleep. At six o'clock the care-taker of the Church awakened him, and told him politely that he would have to get out.
"'Why?" asked the Irishman.
"Because I am going to lock the Church now, it being six o'clock," replied the care-taker.
"You are rsrong about that," said the Irishman positively. "A Catholic Cathedral is never locked."
"But this isn't a Catholic Cathedral," said the care-taker. "This is a Presbyterian Church."
"A Presbyterian Church?" asked the Irishman in utter bewilderment.
"Yesr" said the care-taker.
The Irishman looked at the colored windows, with the figures plainly showing on the glass.
"fsn't that Saint Peter?" he asked.
"It is," was the reply.
"And isn't that St. John?" asked the Irishman, pointing to another window.
"It is," said the other.
"And isn't that St. Luke?" asked the Irishman, pointing to a third window.
"Yes," said the other.
The Irishman scratched his head in pure and unadulterated misery, as he said-
"Well when the Hell did THEY join the Presbyterian Church?"
(Continued from Page 8.)
A Code of Ethics will be adopted and the name of the clul agreed upon at its next meiting Tuesday, May 26th, 1925.
Charter Members
Seth H. \Marren. ..Dixie Lumber & Supolv Comoanv
Meryl P. Bennett. ......Frost Hardwood Lum6ei Comiani p.-G._Gr_ay. ....City Lumber & Wrecking Comiini
John F. Lupton. ..Western Lumbei Comianv
Floyd R. Herbert. ... ....Western Lumbei Co-ir"i,
Leo Shaw. ...Sullivan Hardwood Lumbei 6ffi;;;
A. Carmi Brown. .Dixie Lumber & Supply Comiini,
!!. A. Wark. ......Dixie Lumber A Sni,i,rv a;ffi;i
H. W. Rogers...... ....San Diego-Lur;6i? c;;;il;
{aqFs-u. !'rayncl. ..Benson Lumber company t. tr'..E;venson...... .......Benson Lumber Company
!r p.Le_wis. .......Kticka Lumbei 6;p;;i
Qar! B. Gavotto. ...Benson Lumbii ail;;;
Arthur_A. Jensen. .Dixie Lumb; A Suppii C;ffi;;i
D_rew Sutton .. .Benso" l,uif,6li c;ffi;;,i
__Membership: A. C. Brown, August F. Lusardi, Floyd Herbert.
* C_omplaints_and Investigations: James C. Fraynd, Meryl P. Bennett, H. A. Wark. Programs and Entertainment: Floyd Herbert, A. A. Jensen, Arthur E. Scott. Education: (Personnel not as yet determined.)
Somervtlle Vistts San Francisco
J. W. Somerville, Gulfport, Mississippi, prominent lumLer and shipping man in the Gulf Statis-, is-visiting in San Francisco on a business trip. He plans on spendiig about two weeks in the Bay District. While in the Bay District, he was the guest of J. O. Elmer, the well known San Francisco hardwood lumberman.
Fresno Shows Increase In Building
ll-arry C._McGahey. ...Sil oi.-i" t umUE -C;;;;;
Wallace_Walters.. . ....Spreckiis Brothirs C-o;i c6.
.C_largnc_e T. Pollard. .Chas. R. It[jdoimick iuird;Cd.
W._J.JVIcDermott.. ...Milier_dD-e;;-;il C;:
4. C. Rjrker. .Kricka Ldb;;-6;;a";
Knqle Rinde .......Benson turi.b;; c;;;;i
Il4. E. Stevenson. ... ..Klicka Lumber Comii"i
Howard M.. Wilson. --Spreiriis S;;i;;; C-.;,ftJ.
_9y:ttQ,4ilg.. ...Ctras.'R.-M;-Co-rmi"k-Lfiil;d;: w. szalrnskl. ....Glasson Planing Mill
Building permits f.or 1925 shot over the mark of the entire year of t924, when permits were recently issued for the construction of two units of the Syrup Plant of the Sun-Maid Raisin Growers and the nerv Wilson Theatre. F-r-esno's building permits f.or L925 have passed the $1,7@- 000.00 mark.
{us_usg_F,-Lusardi. .......gurrrorr-triib"i-C.rirT""
9.F. Hptr, .Iuateilarmin;s-a.*i'liitilii
Arthur E. Scott. ...Chas. n.'-tvtcCormicf< tfib;C;:
Permanent Committees
Rules and Regulations: G. F. Hofi, O. S. King, A. A. J ensen.
Frank Mulgrew Convalescing In San Francisco Hospital
Frank Mulgrew, the well known San Francisco lumber publicity expert, who has been ill at Santa Rosa is now in San Fra-ncisco. He is at the Franklin Hospital, where he is under the care of his old friend, Dr. l. Franklin Shields of San Francisco.
We have at all times straight cars of boards and cmall dimcngion on our dock Los Angeles Harbor ready to mcet your immediate necds. This is only part of HART-WOOD SERVICE. Behind this we have our own Timber lands, Saw mills and feet of Nine large lumber steanerE. A complete manufacturing and wholesale distributing organiza-

Millwork Institute Postpones Quarterly Meeting
Members of the Millwork Institute of California were notified on the 18th of the postponement of their next Quarterly meeting, from the scheduled dates, May 22 and 23, to June 12 and 13.
The action was taken for two reasons. The original dates selected were the same as the date of the Joint meeting of the three Valley retail clubs, including a number of the Millwork Institute members, who were desirous of making the excursion into the Sugar Pine camps
In addition to that, Mr. H. T. Didesch, Managing Director, had suffered a slight injury to his back, making it impossible for him to be present on the first announced dates.
The meeting will headquarter at the Californian Hotel, Fresno, on the l2th and 13th of June. A splendid program is being arranged.
Sine At Arizona Convention
J. K Sine, of the Dolan Sine Lumber Company, geles, was in evidence at the Convention oJ the Lumbermen's Club, at Nogales, on the 15th.

The big boy had the time of his life.
Los AnArizona
Valley Meeting Postponed
The two day Joint Meeting of the San Joaquin Valley I umbermen's Club, the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's elub and the Central Valley Lumbermen's Club, scheduled for May 22 and 23, at Fresno, was postponed at the last minute, on account of the heavy rain that fell in the mountains, back of Fresno, making the automobile trip into the Sugar Pine woods impossible.
Secretary Frank Minard notified all members, by telegram, on the 29th, announcing that another date would soon be set. and notices sent out.
Westerners On National Committees
President Dwight Hinckley of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association has announced the appointment of standing committees, to serve for the ensuing year, and containing the following well known lumbermen of the west:

C. L. Lindner, Portland, Ore.
Lewis Schwager, Seattle, Wash.
C. C. Patrick, Portland, Ore.
J. G. Newbegin, Tacoma, Wash.
R. G. King, Jr., Seattle, Wash.
Louis Gerlinger, Portland, Ore.
W. B. Tomlinson, Vancouver, B. C.
G. A. Rogers, Spokane, Wash.
Otis Johnson, Ft. Bragg, Cal.
J. F. Drescher, Seattle, Wash.
A. J. Russell, San Francisco, Cal.
Lloyd Hillman, Seattle, Wash.
J. A. Edgecumbe, Vancouver, B. C.
S. M. Bernard, Vancouver, Wash.
Harry I. Worth, Seattle, Wash.
Lumbermen Go Fishing
A happy six-some of handsome lumbermen fishermen are busv recounting tales of the exciting experiences encountered on their recent trio to the Sesquoc River. Kern County.
E. A. Goodrich of the Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, Mr. U. G. Richards, Raymond Gray and "Dad" Rose of the Taft Lumber Company, Taft, and Mr. F. W. Enderly and his brother Bill of the Enderly Lumber Company, Los Angeles, made the excursion to this very interesting spot, about two weeks ago, bringing back with them numerous stories of their catches. For instance:
It seems that Richards took the medal for the largest trout, reputed by him to be sixteen inches long, and Raymond Gray made many huppy hearts with his wonderful culinary ability.
"Dooley" Goodrich was the ringleader of the gang.
Redwood Association Official Talks On Farm Buildings
Mr. Max E. Cook, Los Angeles manager of the California Redwood Association, ,was the principal speaker at a meeting of the Pacific Coast Section of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, at the Clark Hotel, Los Angeles, on May Dth.
Mr. Cook presented a paper entitled "Farm Structures; Maximum Results at Minimum Costs." Illustrated with slides showing the many places where a saving can be made in the building of farm structures and, at the same time, making improvements in their efficiency and serviceability, the address was much enjoyed by the many delegates in attendance.
President Hugh Hogan of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, has set Saturday evening, June 20, as the date for the Oakland Concatenation. Full details regarding the Concatenation will be given the Bay District HooHoo members at an early date. Last year a big Concatenation was held at Oakland, and the East Bay Hoo-Hoo are planning to make this year's aff.air a monster Concat. A large class of Kittens will be initiated.
Henry N. Anderson, Twin Harbors Lumber Co., Aberdeen, has advised their California representative that they are now acting as the exclusive selling agents of the Ander.son-Middleton Lumber Co. of Oregon, whose mill is located at Cottage Grove. The Twin Harbors Lumber Co. also represent the Anderson-Middleton Lumber Co. and Bay City Lumber Co., two of Grays Harbor's large mills, in the California market. The Trvin Harbors Lumber Co. are represented in Northern California by George H. Pfeuffer, who maintains an office in the Oakland Bank Building, Oakland.

Johnny Colombo Some Ftsherman
Johnny Colombo, manager of the Colombo Lumber Co., Sebastopol, who is an expert fisherman made a record catch a few nights ago when he landed 100 pounds of surf fish at Badego Bay. He was accompanied by Jimmy Atkinson of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. "Jimmy," who recently became a benedict, carried back about 50 pounds of fish with him to San Francisco and reports that he will be on a fish diet for the next two weeks.
Dick Hiscox Gives Harry White Some Advice
A few months ago, Harry White, of the well known hardwood-company White Brothers of San Francisco, presided as Chairman at a meeting of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9. At the meeting_Harry pulled an unusual stunt by calling on several of the members of the Club to give a short biographical sketch of their careers. Dick Hisiox acted as Chairman of the Club meeting on May 14, and, as Dick is noted for not over-looking very much, he called on Harry to give a sketch of his own career. At the conclusion of lfarry's interesting talk, Dick stated that he was surprised to hea_r that such a prominent man in the lumber industry should have lost so many positions during his life, and suggested that in the future when looking for a position that it w_ould be a good policy for Harry no1 to reve'al these tacts. tlarry-says the whole thing was a put up job between Dick Hiscox and Frank Har?is to puli ofi this stunt at the meeting. Harry is pretty good Fimself at pulling a come-back, so don't be surprised to read where Hairy hai had Dick on the carpet at an early date.