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California Pine Industry Considers Forest Policy
A sound forest policy for the State has been the subject of much thought and discussion in the pine lumber industry of California. On several points opinion has definitely crystalized, and was expressed in a number of resolutions passed by the Board of Directors of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association in their regular monthly meeting held May 15 in the Association chambers. Other points were discussed and the sentiment of those present indicated that further definite expressions would be forthcoming.
Following are the resolutions passed:
Fire Protection
WHEREAS FULLY realizing the fact that but four (4) per cent of the man-caused fires are chargeable to the lumber industry, and
WHEREAS ninety-six (96) per cent are caused by campers, smokers, brush burners, etc.:
RESOLVED, that the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association urges upon its members full and cordial compliance with every sound and reasonable rule and regulation proposed by Siate and Federal Forest Services to the end that the present extremely small portion of the fires for which the lumber industry is held responsible may be still further reduced or eliminated.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association recognizes the danger arising from forest fires and pledges its hearty cooperation with all governmental and public agencies in an endeavor to educate the general public in its obligations toward the great timber resources of California.