1 minute read
Mcnbcrr Cslifornia Rcdwood Arocirtion
Adcqrntc rtora3c rtockr et Sen Pcdro, for your trrdc.
MILLS Fort Bragg, Crlif.
Lanc Mortgagc Bldg.
Phonc TRinity 2?l,2
Crockcr Bldg.
Phonc Suttcr 6170
Cooperative Marketing
WHEREAS the United States is the only nation possessing large areas of forest land where wasteful utilization of forests is forced through restrictive laws, and
WHEREAS there exist so many competitive materials that the price of lum er as a commodity can never be increased beyond a reasonable point, and
WHEREAS there exists a natural competition in lumber products between individual manufacturers, regions and species that cannot be overcome:
BE IT RESOLVED, that within its natural limitations and in the interest of complete and thorough utilization, lumber should be subject to regulated production through cooperative action.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that some legal method should be devised for a more efficient and less expensive method of distribution and marketing of the product whereby all interests will be benefited and the timber supply be conserved.
WHEREAS the tendency in the past has been for the Government to look upon all species growing in our pine forests, other than pine, as inferior, the purpose being to secure the largest possible reproduction of pine in the new forest, and
WHEREAS this policy is altogether at variance with experience in other lumber producing regions and, WHEREAS there are no conclusive data available cover-
(Contin,ued on Page 20)
Thawing Out
" Cold Shoulder" Prospects
'Warm up their buying enthusiasm with new talking points; for instance with our (Tradernerhed)
Here is a Philippine hardwood with all the rich grain of Mahogany but of a whiteness of textuye that simplifies color schemes and at a price that simplifes the cost problem.
C adw allader - Gibs on C o., Inc.
Owning and operating our own Mills in Luzon, we guarantee uniform quality.
Pacific Coast Headquarters
819 East 59th St. Loc .dngelel