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ifemphis Hardwood
Gibson, Inc., at these two yards the J. E. Higgins Lumber Company purchased one of the largest and best assortments of Philippine Mahogany in the United States, which includes a stock of nearly 5 million feet of lumber, panels, veneer, flooring, etc. The J. E. Higgins Lumber Co. are one of the well known hardwood concerns of San Francisco, and will operate these new yards in conjunction with their domestic hardwood business. They will also have the ex_ clusive Philippine Mahogany agency in Northern california for the Cadwallader-Gibson, Inc. J. E. Higgins, Jr., is the nlanager of the J. E. Higgins Lumber Co.
The Cadwallader-Gibson organization will.move to Los Angeles. At the present time they maintain a yard and office at 819 East 59th Street. R. E. Ford, manager for Cadwallader-Gibson, Inc., will make his headquariers at T os Angeles, and he states that the company will acquire more property there where they will erect a new yard that rvill be equipped with dry kilns. In addition to carrying a large stock of Philippine Mahogany, they will also carrv a complete line of domestic hardwoods at their Los An_ geles yard.
Cadwallader-Gibson, fnc., operate and own their own mills in the Philippine Islands, where they have three miiG located on the Island of Luzon. They Lave large timber holdings on the Island of Luzon, and only .."e]rrttl, took over another large concession from the phiiippine Govern_ ment which involves a tr.act oJ 309 square miles. They also operate two ships, which will each iarry orrer a millioir and. three-quarters feet of lumber, and ship iheir philippine $11ho-g3ny_ to most of the foreign countries of the *orid'.
B. W. Cadwallader, who spends a great deal of his iime 1 the g.ompan)-'s Philippine-operation-s, is the president oi !.adu'allader-Gibson, Inc. In. speaking of the above sale, 1!1r. Laclrvarlader states that the sale of these two yards is of secondary importance, the main thing beins that thev have dis.posed of their Northern California terri"tory to thl J. E. Hisgins Lumber Co., who are one of the f"i""-,.o_ resentative hardwood concerns on the pacific CoasT. M;. Ca.dwallader, who at.-the.present time is in San nia".i..o, will leave for the Philippine Islands around the firsi tJ1-h-J month for an inspection of their philippine operations.-
California Pine Veneers
Distinguished by beautiful grain patterns and a smooth surface that will not chech and which takes a smooth finish with very litile sanding. "The Surface that made White Pine Famous."
PAUI- BUNYAN'S VENEERS are made in a factory that operates continuously the year round with a daily capacity of 100,000 square feet of veneer panel. Backed up by extensive forest supplies of exceptional quality.
Trrdc Mrrk
"Producers of White Pine for OverHalf a Century"