2 minute read
TheBestAdvertising is the KindYou Cannot Buy
Sounds like a paradox, doesn't it? But it's true, nevertheless. And it's not a mere theory. It's a living, breathing everyday fact. Take any newspaper in the land, more especially the small country town weekly or even the larger city daily, any time of the year. Turn to the "personal" column-and what sheet is without eng-and there you'll find the "best advertising" that money can buy and yet the kind you CANNOT buy. Not u'ith so many dollars and cents.
You know the kind of item we refer to: "The Nortons are ready to occupy their new bungalow cottage on Peachtree Street, which was built for them by the Home Lumber Company. It's a dandy. Right up-to-date in style of architecture, with many conveniences and built-in features. Jim Bates, manager of the Home Lumber Company, says he is preparing to build new houses for the Grimeses and the Burtons on their lots. Keep up the good work and we'll have a city of real homes."
That's a lot better, isn't it, than a bunch of type thrown together in a space of. 2x4 inches, reading something like this :
"Lumber, Paint, Cement, Nails, Hardware and Supplies.
Give Us A Trial. Home Lumber Company."
The reason it is better is because somebody else is boost- ing your game-somebody besides yourseli. When that somebody is your local newspaper you may rest assured the boost is falling on fertile soil anci taking-root. For the newspaper editor in the small town, as a rule, is the most influential factor in shaping public opinion. And public opinion is where you get your "good-will." And "good- will" is the basis of trade.
We're traveling in a kind of a circle. We have now got !1ck to the place where someone asks "If I cannot buy that kind of advertising, how am I going to get it?" Easy, if you're a live lumber merchant. When Mrs. Brown ialls on you to discuss the building of her new home or the repainting of her front porch, or any of the many building or re.pair plgblems that may arise, slip the dope to your local editor. He'll be glad to mention if in the ptrsonal column, and Mrs. Brown will be delighted to see her name in print. There are other kinds of news items which the lumber dealer can pass on to the editor.
Here are some actual samples of the kind of advertising you cannot buy, taken flom* re;ent newspaper clippings:
The bungalow being built by Max Kaufman is making great, headway. The material was furnished by the Fidelity Lumber and Supply a"TOTt.*
Mr. M. W. Winslow northeast of town closed a contract with the Forest Lumber Company for a new farm residence. Hartman & Haggard will do the work.
Mr. William Newton Cone and Miss Almedia Stewart Cox were united in marriage on September 1. Mr. Cone is manager of the Wm. Cameron Lumber Company, and en- joys the esteem and confidence of all who knbw-him.
(Continued on Page 28)