2 minute read
Effectioe June 7 st, 1925 ..TWO.W^A.Y'' ANNOUNCEMENT
to Northern Caffirnia to Southern California
The Cadwallader-Gibson Company's famous Bataan Bagac will hereafter be distributed to the retail buyer in Northern California exclusively through the well knowt J. E.Higgins Lumber Company of San Francisco, a leader in the Trade since | 883' This progressive firm has purchased our immense stock and will continue our warehouses' yards, and kilns at 5th and Brannan Streets, San Francisco, IN ADDITION to their own extensive yards at 423-459 Sixth Street, San Francisco. trademarked Philippine Hardwoods-
Lamao Orion
Thus, Northern California Lumber Buyers will have at their disposal a stock of Philippine Hardwoods literally unequalled in the history of the Trade.
The reputation of the J. E. Higgins Lumber Company justifies the unbroken continuance of your liberal patronage for which we warmly thank you. With the North so splendidly taken care of, we are concentrating our energies in Southern California, and announce the
Removal of Our Headquarters to Los Angeles
UR facilities there will be greatly enlarged, commensurate with the importance of the Territory and the spirit of the Cadwallader-Gibson Company, Inc. We have purchased an extensive tract of land, to be improved with a battery of Dry Kilns, Sheds, Office Building, etc.
We shall carry, at all times, a stock of several million feet of Philippine Hardwoods, a minimum stock of one million feet of panels and veneers' and a thoroughly complete assortment of Domestic Hardwoods. As usual we shall serve you under our policy-"your interests are ours."
Wm. C. 'Washburn of the Star has just recently returned from a tains presented Mr. and Mrs. Ted bear roast.
(Continued fuom Page 26) ,Frtr*
Lumber Company, who bear hunt in the mounSmith with a very nice
_ -J..C._Nichols received a check for $2000 Monday for Mrs. Marie Longfellow from the Equitable Life Assurince Com_ p^any. This represents a policy carried by the Metz I.umber Uompany- for the late Carl Longfellow. The Metz people carry policies for all their regular employes.
Two Cars
(Ad in Chicago Paper.)
I spent good coin For a fine new car, But I had no GARAGE, So there you are.
I left that car 'Neath the stars at night And in just one montlh 'Twas a sorry sight.
The top blew off And the sides caved in, And every one thought It was made of tin.
Both Sides D"y Simultaneously
This feature of our oak lumber drying is one of the advanced methods which account for the invariably mirror-smooth surlaces in
"Ametica's FineSt, It ie accompliehed by cutting our flooring stripe to the proper thicknees WHILE GREEN- We do not re-saw dry boarde at any stage. Thue both sides ol the .tiip diy -qlually on the yard and in the kiln. There is no tendencv loi one side to dry more rapidly than the other.
Cnmplete details ol this proceee and other lactora reeponsibte lor Dupeno-r Drand'E actual superiority are interestingly set forth in our special book lor dealers, which may be had for thi asking. Write for your copy today, as well as lor quotations on correct oalc looriog requireEents.

Hekna, Arhansas
Pacifu CoqtRarentrtloq
-- -_F.. |._BR9WN,6O46 Crfu Avoue, Ioo Anscter wl\d. BEEBE, 259 Finr Nar'l Banl Bldg-, S.o frii"i"*
I bought another And quickly went For a good long talk With Walter Sihenk.
He told me how To plan and build, And with new ideas My head he filled.
T,built a garage IOr mY ntce new car And I Leep it sheltered, So there you are.
(Narno on Evcry Bundlc)
Kiln and Air Dried Upperc