1 minute read
Recently the following dialogue occurred when one busirr.., -".r'taid to anothEr whJemploys 10'000 men: ttNo.t' ttNo.tt
"lIow's business ?"
"ilotten !"
"Closed down?"
"Running on Part time ?"
"\Mhat are You doing, storing goods ?"
"No. Oh, no! It iin't as bad as that-we're just not doing a, *.it "t we tught to, or as we expected to.''.
Not as good as we exlpected-that.ab.out sums up the oc"*i;;"j"t3;"J-f"ur"-t"r[ of a slump in business' As a matter of fact, business, o" ttt" *ttot"' never was so good as it is today.
Never was the opportunity better to make yonr business what you want it.
Nelrer were the times better set for progress'
This is what You have to build on:
Retail business in this country in 1924 was the biggest on record.
1925 is running ahead of it, and April is the peak month so far this Year.
The wealth of the world is far greater than in 1913' despite the tremen;;;.';;" of the"war and the inflated value of the dollar.
Transportation facilities, the most efficient at any tlme in our history, are being used to their fullest extent' This irliii iit""iid"l.t titt?t tthte market' closer to current prices, and leaves "t;i;t;it;^ tn" "ra-tl-e custom of advance orders.
On this account' merchandising has. changed to greater n.jaity';'q"i:i, a;ii";;;J q;t;R trades are' and *'ill rernain, the ora".-,-lii"t*ttot'iit and a safer foundation' Wall Street prices are higher today than at any time in 1924.
The Agricultural. situation, w.hich showed such a material improvement t"tii*i, indicates an even higher level ;f';;;;i;'th. f"ttntt ior the next harvest vear' our foreign trade is th-e greatest in history, except during the abnormil Post-war boom'
In short, considering the country's business balance .fr."t. "if-t" ' fo,rna"tiot' to' p'og"tt^ is ,sound'-( From an .a""fu.|*."i-i" trt. Kansai City "Star")'