1 minute read
Glasby & Co. Opening Down-Town Retail Store
For the convenience of the customers of their newly opened retail depar.tment, Glasby & Company, Los Angele's sash. and door jobbers, and now both retaiiers a. *etil as wholesalers, have opened attractive down_town offices and a servlce department in the Building Material Arcade, 1040 South Broadway.
^ The retail department is a new departure for Glasbv & Lompany, and, according to Mr. Clire E. Glasby, ,.ii.,e l19ad oJ the organization] the step was taken "tt"i a"e a._ lrberatron, and the decision made to keep the two depart_ rnents _separate, the wholesale business- to be conclucted from their large warehouse on East 25th ctown-town oftices to look after the retail end of the business.
They will maintain a complete service and estimating
Eugene, Oregon
Gasco Bldg., Porttand, Ore.
Springfield, Oregon Wendling, Oregon