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The Booth-Kelly Lumber Go.
SAN FRANCISCO Marvin Buitding, OFFICE J. R. Neylan, Representative department at their Broadway branch, and have invited the Contractors and Architects oi Southern California to make use of the facilities that they have provided.
Yr._Glasby will be in charge of the retail office, and Mr. J. 5. Murphy, who has been connected with the companv tor some time, will act as manager of the Wholesale Dj_ partment.
Mr. Geo. C. Hoyt, who has been identified with the lumber industry in Southern California for some time, has been selected to take the place made vacant by Mr.'Uurpnyt promotion.
I\Tr. S. L. Belknap will fill the position as wholesale sales_ man. Ieft vacant !y Mr. F. W.- Davies, resignation. Mr. l)avies has gone into another line of busine*.
Mt.. LeRoy- H. -Stanton, head of the E. J. Stanton & Son, I-os Angeles hardwood _wholesalers, with -Mrs. Stanton, lefi Los Angeles on May 15th, for a three months'trip. takine them to all of the important centers of Europe. -
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club Hear Realtor
Mr. Charles M. Conant, a Los Angeles realty man, addressed the Los Angele_i Hoo Hoo -Club, on -May i4th, when J. M. (Jimmie) Chase, of the Woodhead iumbei Uompany, was chairman.
. Jim announced the meeting as a ,,Better Homes', affair, it being the week set asidefor the Better-Hom". -orr.i ment, and Mr. Conant was present as a representative of the_body taking an active palt in the movement. ,-He spoke very entertainingly on .,selecting a Site for a .trtome.
Bob Forgie In Arizona
Mr. Robt. Forgie, California representative for the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills, is sojourning in Arizona for a few days, making Tucson his heaiquarteis while there.
Frank C. _Young, Gerlinger Lumber Co., portland, was a recent California visitor where he spent a couple weeks !_ooking over market -conditions. Aftef spending i week in San Francisco, he left for Los Angeles where Ee expected to spend a rveek. During his stay in California, he'called on many of his California lumbermen friends.