1 minute read
Above Everything-Beauty, Economy and Protection ROOF INSURANCE
on easy time payments!
The dealer who eells shingles is selling roof insurance. Any roof is like an ineurance policy inasmuch as it offers protection as long as premiums are paid on it. With most roofing these premiums are repair bills, re-painting bills and eventually the expense of re-roofing.
But, the dealer who sells Pioneer Yosemite Rock-Surfaced Shingles eliminates the premiums-he sells paid-up insurancet The 6rst cost is the laet. Moreover, Pioneer Yoeemite Rock-Surfaced Shingles are a full coverage policy-they protect the home and the reputation of the dealerwho sells theml These features-the beauty, durability and genuine economy of Pioneer Yosemite Rock-Surfaced Shingles--have made them the choice of thL majority and a profitable line for the dealer. But here is etill a better featurel
This paid-up insurance offers the exclusive advantage of being sold on EASY TIME PAYMENTS-one-fourth down and the balance in ten months. Think what thie means to yout More prospect+hundreds of people who need this financial aseietance. It ie a plan to hclp you finance your prospects-cash in on it ! It will help you sell more materiale and better materialsl
E-semite RockSurfaced
Pioneer Paper Co., Inc. Ertablirhcd lE6E
Lor Angeler Portland San Frencirco Scattlc
Pionccr Mrnufecturcr a Conplctc Linc of Roo6ngr and Building Pepcrr
Herc ir anothcr Pionccr Plan thet ir bringing in hundrcdr of prorpcctr for Piorccr Yorcmitc Roch. Roo6rgr and Building Papcrr