1 minute read
HWhy Not Take Advantage of Hammond Service?
WHEN the big, rush orders fall thick and fast remember the tremendous reserve stocks of the Hammond Lumber are as accessible as the telephone on your desk. Call HU mbolt 1591 and the entire Hammond organization is on · its toes ready to serve you.
Then there is Hammond's special Mill Work Department- probably the most complete in the Southwest. Its great facilities are always at your disposal.
Don't pass up the big orders. Call on Hammond for help. You'll profit!
(Co nt inu e d fr om Page 40 ) tinct BLESSING to any community; a dead dealer , is just the opposite.
The retail lumber industry has awakened wonderfully. The words " merchandising" and "building service" have become b y -words in the industry, and there are thousands of retail lumbermen in this country who understand what those words mean, and who are enthusiasticall y PROVING that they do.
But there are more DEAD lumber dealers in this country today than there are LIVE ones Which means that more than one-half of the people of the United States are being imposed upon , and made involuntary victims of the sin of omission.
To some the above statement may seem exaggerated, because are so many entire districts of the country today where live and active retail lumber merchandising has the general rule. But the fact is, _that there is many a dead one still aro.und even the_ t.erritories where the progressives predommate, and m addit10n there are great districts of the United States there is not one really live LUMBER MERCHANT m every twenty LUMBER DEALERS
And don't get the off-hand idea that these districts are " far from the madding throng." I am not going to get personal and w on' t name any districts, b ut m o st st udents of the industry are well acquain t ed with t h e s ituation , and know that the OPPOSITE is true.
Many a time I have had lumbermen say to me: "Dionne, why don ' t you invade such and such a field with your paper and your preaching? There is absolutely no modern merchandising being done there, and they need help badly."
I HA VE tried some of these districts suggested to me, in a small way , and the results have been disheartening When you get hold of a retail whose. mind rocks along in the ruts of a generation ago , you msult him