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330 Chapman Building, Los Angeles Phone V Andike 4912 REPRESENTING every time you make a merchai:dising you talk advertising , salesmanship, creatmg_ busii:ess, ing stores , building THINKING, plan service, solicitation , prospect files , etc., to one of dead birds , J:'ou just arouse his ire. When you talk to him about spendmg money to make people WANT his stuff, he questions your sanity.
There are none so blind, you know, as those who will not se e . A nd tryi ng to preach merch a nd isin g to the fellow whose THINKING is all BACKWARD is one of the most thankless jobs imaginable. I decided long ago that life was too short to try and drill through the hides that were not made for drilling or to preach the Gospel to those who don ' t want to be saved
What do I mean by a " DEAD " retail lumberman?
I mean one who fails to realize his duty to his community and to his business , and who fulfills a mechanical a_nd not a CREATIVE place in the business of the commumty; is simply a raw material warehouseman , who his stuff, puts a price on it , and waits for people to what , and how , and when , and why they are going to bmld , simply sells to them raw material; who does not does not merchandise does not solicit and create busmess, furnishes no building and whose attitude toward his town and district is simply a desire to sell its people building material.
As a Texas l umber merchant sai d at t he Texas annual convention of lumbermen last spring : " You are either a modern building merchant, or you ' re the manager of a wood-yard; classify yourself."
And there are about fifteen thousand woodyard men calling themselves retail lumbermen in this country today
There are two sorts of towns that are more unfortunate in a building way than the towns where the dealers are simply "dead. " The next worse condition is a town where (Contin u ed on Page 48.)
M adera Sugar Pine
A True White Pine Water Cured-Air Dried
Nothing could be better for pattern stock and planing mill lumber for all purposes, than our wide, thick, soft textured lumber. It comes from California Sugar Pine trees, which are famous for their exceptional size and quality .
Box Shook aud Cut-up Materials
Capacity 300,000 Feet Daily
Madera, Calif_