1 minute read
Is Tftis Good Adaertis ing?
Here is aninteresting matter,brought to attention recently by Mr' G. B. McGill, of Fischer Brothers Lumber Company, well kno'an manufacturers of Eugene, Oregon.
Mr. McGilt tahes erception to the zaord,i,ng of this aduerti,senaent, ontlte ground th'at it zuould, tend, to prejudice the lay-man mind against the use of Fir (Oregon Pine), and that the zuording is rnisleading.
This Journal has preached, adz,ertising for years and does belieae that the Modern Build,ing Material Merchant of tod,ay can, benefit from good publicity the same as the other merchants in his corn'muni'ty-
The point in question hereis: Is it good ad.ztertising to urge the use of one mater'i'al at the e.rpense of the good-zaill tozuard, another?
DO YOU BUY LUMBER BECAUSE IT IS CHEAP or becauEe it is suitable to your needs?
\il/e have sold lumber in this Valley for over twelve years and we know what the climate requires.
Green, low grade Oregon Pine is very expensive at any price, as it will not stay "put." It warps, twists and checks in thig dry climate.
Use California Sugar Pine for your ranch buildings. It resists heat, dryness and wind and is easy to work.
For your Chicken Houres uge California Incense Cedar. It keeps out Lice and all other Vermin. Use it for nests, roosts, brooders, floors, etc., etc.
Uce California White Fir Dimenrion. It is not hard and flinty, but soft and caqf to work, yet strong. Costa no more than green, low grade Oregon Pine and eaves half the labor costs.
Cheap FIRST COST is urually an expenrive SECOND COST. We etock a full line of Building Material, Roofing,'Painte, etc.