2 minute read
Muulmturcrr and Dcalerr Pacific Coart Forert Productr
Conbined Arnud Output at'oo'm0 Fct Hanpton Building
Phonc l7,ll 610 WilhEGttG Stret EUGENE, OREGON
Thc Cdifornla Lunbcr Mcrchut, Lo .dngclcr, Cellf.
Enslorcd hcrcvith find thc front arrd lalt P!8e of thc "Lcd3er G.zGttG," publlrhcd In Lancarter, Iae Angcter Conty, ud ve trkc tbc liberty of calling your tttention to the Ad of a lumb* compey which wc trkc cxception t" -.totv on rccount of ua being malufacturcrr of fir lubcr'
Thcre ie no quc:tion but what there ir a catain typc of fir luber thrt dcr twlrt rnd warp, but the .tateEent that rll lw grldc &egon Plnc' by which no doubt they men the comon Srrdct' tvlrb ud varlrr' lr not r true statcnGnt, ud we believc their Ad quite mideadlng.
Aftcr reading 3ame over very carcfrdly will very nuch apprcciltc r line frm you s to vhat you think of thlr clar of advcrtiein3.
Your! vcry truly,
LUMBER CO., BY G. B. McGill.
(Continued from Page 46) the dealers agree not to do various things that come under the head of merchandising. In some plales they agree not to solicit business, feeling that if one- does the-oth-ers will have to, and it makes them all useless work THINK OF THAT IN AN ENLIGHTENED COUNTRY. yet there are lots of such towns. Oh they agree not to advertise. Th-ere are plenty such places. Or they agree not to do erther, or to show any modern business activity. Such places are not scarce.
The worst condition, is that of the town where the dealers agree on the price, as well as other things. Fortunately, such conditions have become the extreme exception. yet we are told they still exist. God hetp the citizeris of such towns.
Free competition, broader vision, increased activity, and a conception 9f 1 duty t_o be performed, is rebuilding the retail lumber business. In some districts the developinent from the "dead" to the "quick" has been rapid. In 'others they are still "dead."
We have never known of a retail lumberman who took up modern merchandising who ever went back to the otd rut. That is satisfaction.
But there are still worlds of retailers who stand souarelv in the path of progress which their communities *ouia Ut! to travel, their lack of building assistance saying to their respective communities-"They shall not pass.t,
Did you ever try keeping in stock building material items that your competitor doesn't handle, and giving some attentioh and publicity to this sort of stock? If you,ll stop to think of it, you don't have to hit rock bottom to sell goods that a fellow WANTS and can get only from YOU.
'Girl in a car, Going like blazes, Tickled all over at the dust she raises. Lets go wheel, To fumble in purse, To take out her powder rag: Good Night Nurse !