1 minute read
in VISAIIA by Ready to Move Into For vISAIIANS ,470{Q
EVERY TIME Yotr Spend a Dollar Outside of Visalia You Are Hitting--
Yoqr Viralia Contrastor, Your Visaliq L.qmberman, Your Visalia Painter, Your Visalia Plumber; Your Visalia Plasterer; Your Yiealia S[ingler, Your Visalia Hardware Merchan! and Every other Visalia merchant that cellE anything that goes into your home
Wc havc worked ot e plu whcrcby you won't "foul" you Viralia mcrchrnt by hitring "bclow tho bclt." Undcr our nlw arronSemcnt cverything thlt gar ir*o yorr 'HOME will be bosht in Vislie.
Viulia. Every timc that you. rpehd your moncy with ore fim outsidc of Viutia, you are forcing him.to gradully go bickwud ud meybe in time lcave Viotia. tf thir happene to nrnv of theri YOUR CITY will nut rdvance.