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Bay District Initiates 16 Kittens

Sixteen Kittens had their eyes opened and their tails properlv curled at the Bav Disirict -I{oo Hoo Concatenation hefd at Marquard's, San Francisco, on the evening of May t9. There was also one reinstatement.

It was one of the most enthusiastic meetings of the year and 125 sat down to dinner. During the dinner hour, "Marquard's 'Revue" with the popular dancers Jean Barry and fack Holland as headliners, gave a wonderful entertaininent. Bob Gehering and his five-piece jazz orchestra provided some excellent music during the evening

At the conclusion o{ the dinner, the following Kittens were initiated:

Horacc M. Scales, Sugar Pine Lumber Co............San Francisco

Gcorge C. Hcrbcrt, Herbert Vogel & Mark Co.......San Francisco

William F. Herbert, Herbert Vogel & Mark Co......San Francisco

Leon B. Walkcr, Red River Lumber Co..... .San Francisco

George H. Bouchard, Herbert Vogel & Mark Co......San Francisco

Matthew H. Stanley, M. H. Stanley Co... ...Berkeley

Chas. H. Miller, Perry Lumber Co... ..Vallejo

William L. Jungbluth, Smith Lumber Co..... .San Francisco

Edwin G. Davis, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. '..San Francisco

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