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Hoo Hoo Concatenation at Susanville
Susanville was the scene of a great gathering of Hoo Hoo members Saturday evening, wtay 9, when -the members of the Westwood club were the guests of the Susanville lumbermen at a dinner
Eighty plat99 were set. Music was furnished throughout the dinner which was served in the main dining rodm of the Fruit Growers' Supply Company. Following lhe dinner a concatenation was staged with fiftv kittens ind the following team did the wor:k:
_ Snark, H._J. Gotr; Senior Hoo Hoo, Chester E. priest; Junior Ho9 H:9,-P. A. Simpkins; Bojum, B. W. Torrencei Jabberwock, Dick Pershing; Scrivenbter, R. H. Shotwelli