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lgtcrbd rodc lL hvr ol Cdf'mlr

J. C. Dld!., Pr.!. ud Tr.L; J. E. Uertln' Vhc'Pr*i A C; Mrrrrann' Jr" Sccy'

!II.I9.A CENTRAL BUILDING. LOS ANGELES, Entrrad u thcod-cler ntb s.9fiqbqr

Subrcription Pricc, $2.1X) p.r Ycer Singlc Copicr, S ccntr cech.

Pub[.h.d lla lrt end r5tl oe .rA aoth 1! ruTT.NWC. ANGELES. CAL, TELEPHONIONE, VAndlLq a5a5 Pctofflcr rt eiti.fr--r. S..-a;a".r'ntu srrofc'l5.. t,g, !t thr Pt - - -Il Aiclg' Crlttmh' 'rdc Act ol Mrrcb !' lt?t'


How Lumber Looks

Sra Fnacirco OGcr

?lt Sutr Mitbr Blds. lf2 Mer|3ot Sbcrt Tcbnhor DavraPct tfrlt Southan OEcc bd Natloal Brl|r Bldt, Hotton' Tcru

Advirtiring Retcr on Applicltion

vcrygooddcrnand. * * r * r

The Californb ma*et ic good and continues to rhow nillr are vcry rhort on thie rtock. 1 in. and 2 in. clear ir in rtreng$. Douglas Fir cargo ir very rtrong and all itemr are being rnapped up ar soon ar they are placed on tte rnrrhet' Both rlarh and vertical grain clean are Yery much in de' mand with pricec from $5.OO to $?.fi) higher than thirtv day.r ago. 2x4 No. 3 comrnon, 1x6 and 1x8 No. 3 common ere rcarce end there items are in big demand.

There ir very little uneold lumber on thc dockr at San Pedro; on May 28 thcre war 4r8l5rflX) feet ar comparcd to 13r347'0OO feet on May 1. Therc are 28 boats tied up'

Pricec on Douglar Fir rail rhipmcntr, both on common! and upperr, have-increarcd $1.0O dnce May -1. The market on grilt .i"an it etrong. The millr-g-e reluctant to book any-brrinere for future delivety. Middle Weet rail burineo is coming to the millr in good volume.

Tte {edwood market it "oy encouraging and all martetr app€rr active, including erpolt Al-mills are operating on a five-day ire€b and ehipmentr for the weck ending lllay 19 from thc-Cdifo;h Redwood Anociation millr, exceedcd oroduction more than 607o. For the week ending May 19' ih" brroto"ter of t[e CaHfornia Redwood Areocietionr 15 mille reporting, rhowr: Orden Received' 7r?!g^ M ft.; Pro' dustion, TrMZ M ft; Shipments, 11,503 M ft. Th.r. ir an imorovement in the demand for ii;; ir an irnprovement for Cdifornia hite and Sugar Pine, with romewhit better pricee. No.-2 White rhop ir in gool dma;d and ic $2.(X) hisho than two w-celc

.go. Pricie rre verT 6rur on bor hrnbcr and romc of thc

Anothcr big weck in the lumber indur-try-war -rgcorde! for the perioJended May 19, wlreqr n-rodugtion, ehipmentr "ra ""ai"" approached the viar'r |i!h9{ levelr aecording t"if. weetti,-anatyrir of the Nationd Lunrber Manrfec' irn"J ^l,uocLtion, -bat d on reportr received ltlav 2-4-frop 828 of t[e countrytl molt inportant roftwood and hard' *H.T*;ood milh, of which therc were 4o8 reporting - *;* 4oG the pr.""ai"g week,-Aowed^gainr-all dog th" iit", production edvandng 7?8??-49 feeb rhipmentl tOrSiO,Z2t feet, and ordcn 331031,609 feet over thc wce& before. --The total coftwood lumbcr movement fo'r the first 20 -""&t of 1928 chowt: Production, 4,E72rO39,278 feet; Shipmentr, 5, 1 35' 9 1 1,07 1 f ee$ Or-der1 5,41 4,852,-ffi8-fcct: - fh. r"p'o"i rhorr the following figurer for t[e Wert Coart L;b;r;"r's Arociation for t[i! -Period: Productionr- 2rilgrsg0rel 5 fe"t ; Slipttt"ntr, 2,332,91 o,o53 feet ; Ordcrs' 2,648r7ffir689 feet. -'-F; C"lia;ia White and Sugar Pine, the report figlry f* th; nttiZO *""kr of the year-: Production' 369,4Q!'QQQ i*tlSnp-*t, 4%,026,000 f""t; Ordem, 494'851'fi)O

California Pine Association Protests Dropping "California White Pine" Name

On May 3rd, at a meeting of the General Lumber Con' ference in Washington, the Central Committee of Lumber Stahdards decided to drop from the nomenclature of the Standards the trad'e name "California White Pine," and substitute therefore "Pondosa" Pine.

The California White and Sugar Pine Association called a special meeting of its members in San Francisco for May l8th, where the matter was discussed, and a resolution made, seconded, and passed by a vote of 14 to 4 on the subject. H. D. Mortenson made the resolution, and Willis T, Walker seconded it, and it reads as follows: - "The General Lumber Conference held in Washington, May 3, saw fit to drop from the nomenclature of the Am'erican Lumber Standards the trade name "California White Pine" which trade name has been in use for more than fifty years, and substitute a. name "Pondosa" pine which has fect. ---'it total hardwood nrovement for thir, !iIl9^P{141 af' ""raUg-i"tf "iport,rhowr:Pr-oductionn-8-89r9!?1QO9f :a; si6;;"t, bzz,soe,looo feeti ordc$, 947'893'oqu9qbeen in use less than five years' and in protest thereto we offer this --i.Resolved,resolution:

That it be the sense of the California White & Suear Pine Manufacturers' Association that a protest t" tifEa with the General Lumber Conference against its r"tiort in dropping the name "California White Pine" from the Americ"i'L,i*b"t Standards. We do this because it aDDears from transcript of the committee's proc'eedings that its'action was taken by reason of certain incorrect statements and misinfotmaiion as to the willingness of our membership to change this name' The change is one ot ereat moment and uft respectfully urge that the name be iffo*J t" remain as it was in the lumber standards before ifti. ""iiott was taken until such time as the legal authoriiies, itt whose hands the matter rests, shall determine in the iin"t "pp."l by adjudication that it is an improper trade name.tt

Copies were sent to everyone concerned.

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