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Pacific Coast Hardwood Convention
(Continued from Page 10) interesting, giving members an idea of the endless care necessary in the production of first-grade hardwood panels, and of the amount of creative work required in the development of novel and unusual effects in panels. Mr. Anderson invited all the members to visit his plant, stating in- up at next year's annual meeting, and that members and regional groups discuss the matter in the meantime.
It was decided to hold the next annual meeting at Del Monte in May, 1929.
A unanimous vote of thanks was given to J. Fyfe Smith of Vancouver, B. C. for his hospitality, and for his splendid arrangements for the comfort and entertainment of visiting members.
President Higgins appointed a nominating committee consisting of Hgmer Maris, chairman, Roger Sand, J. Fyfe Smith.
The election of officers took place at the final dinner, at which J. Fyfe Snith acted as toastmaster.
The registration was as follows:
R. C. Anderson, General Plywood Co..............Seattle
Roger Sands, Ehrlich-Harrison Co. ......Seattle
Frink Wurzburg, Ehrlich-Harrison Co.... ...Seattle
J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber Co.. San Francisco
D. J. Cahill, Western Hardwood Lumber Co.. Los Angeles
B. W. Byrne, Western Hardwood Lumber Co.. Los AngeleS
Jerry Sullivan, Jr., Sullivan Hardwood Lbr. Co.. San Diego
D. A. Johnson, D. A. Johnson & Son. ..Seattle
C. H. White, White Brothers ...San Francisco
L. H. Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son , Los Angeles
Henry Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son. .Los Angeles
R e asur er cidentally that they carried a normal stock of more than 5,000,000 feet of hardwood panels. g S e
A telegram from George M. Cornwall of the Timberman, tegretting his inability to be present, was read by the secretary.
The committie appointed to consider the employment of a paid secretary recommended that this matter be brought
P. R. Kahn, Forsythe & Co. San Franciscd
C. M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.,. ' Los Angeles
E. E. Hall, Emerson Hardwood Co.... .....Portland
J. W. Sumerall, J. J. Matthews Hardwood Lmbr.Co.. Seattle
H. F. Corwitr, J.J. Matthews Hardwood Lmbr. Co.'.Seattle
Homer B. Maris. H. B. Maris Panel Co......San Francisco
J. Fyfe Smith, J. Fyfe Smith Co., Ltd.... .Vancouver, B. C.
Norhan Sawers, J- Fyfe Smith Co., Ltd...Vancouver, B. C.