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Hoo Hoo News
Northern California Hoo Hoo to Meet at Fall River Mills June 23-24
Hoo Hoo of Northern California will congregate, concatinate and celebrate at Fall River Mills, Shasta County, California op June 23 and 24. Fall Rive,r Mills has been selected because of its accessibility by various Highway routes from many directions, for its natural attractions and the energetic co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce of Fall River Mills.
Westwood Club No. 38 is sponsoring these annual regional get-together meetings, with the active assistance of other California clubs. The first one was held last vear at Burney Falls, not far from the site at Fall River Mills selected for this year's celebration. An attendance of more than 500 is expected this year as indicated by responses already received.
Parson Simpkin will preside at the concatenation and administer the eye.opening and milk drinking to a large number of kittens from. the north countrv clubs. This alone would be worth making the trip to atlend but many {llurinS promises of additional attractions are made by the dirtertainment committee.. Boxing matches, semi-pro baseQall, dances, motion picture shows and many varieties of out door sports are on the program. Snark of the Universe James Brown and Bojum Roth will be there as well as many other state and national officers, present and past. State, national and county officials are expected to lend their dignity to the occasion and there is a well founded rumor that an eligible Congressman will take the vows as a kitten.
It is hoped and expected that these annual gatherings will be the means of bringing the men of the lumber industry into friendly and intimate association with each other and bring them into contact with men; who while gutside the industry itself are interested in problems connected with forestation, development and the production, distribution and marketing of lumber. All Hoo Hoo are cordially invited to bring their families and house guests and to drop a line to Jack Shere, Secretary Westwood Hoo Hoo Club No. 38, Westwood, California stating the number of persons in the party.,
Fall River Mills is 76 miles East of Redding on the Redding Alturus State Highway, an excellent road: Direct roads, in good condition afford access directly from McCloud, Klamath Falls and points north. While many who attend will bring camp equipment, a limited number of hotel rooms are available at Fall River Mills. Burnev and nearby points. Reservations should be applied for thru Jack Shere at the earliest possible moment. Cafeteria service will be maintained at the grounds and meals will also be served at nearby hotels.
For an outing in the big woods of the Sierras, pack some blankets in the car and drive to Fall River Mills for Tune 23 and 24.
Jack Dionne Addresses Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club
Jack Dionne, publisher of "The California Lumber Merchant," was the speaker of the day at the luncheon meeting of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club on Thursday, May 24. His talk which touched on lumber market conditions, modern merchandising and a description of the large specially constructed wood convention hall at Houston in which the Democratic Convention will he held, together with several of his favorite stories intermixed, was greatly enjoyed by the large turnout. Ed. Culnan, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., acted as chairman of the day.
Jack Thomas, chairman of the golf committee, advised that he would have an announcement regarding the next tournament'at an early date. Short talks were made by George Weir, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco; Phil Hart, past president of the Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club; and Monroe Butler, Pacific Coast Building & Loan Association.
President J. E. Martin presided over the business session.