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Central California Lumbermen's Club Meet at Sonora
Hales & Symons, the well known retail lumber dealers of Sonora, acted as hosts to the California Retail Lumbermen's Club, on Saturday, May 72, it the Victoria Hotel, Sonora. Mr. A. R. Martin, manag'er of the lumber depart- ment for lfales & Symons, was in charge of the arrang'ements and the entertainment. Rowan Hardin, president of the Sonora Chamber of Commerce. made the addresS of welcome. George Ground, president of ttre club, presided over' thd meeting.
An excellent program was furnished by the local high school students. Miss Marion Solari sang' several enjoyable numbers. June Burnham g'ave a few recitations and Wilson Meyer rendered several whistling solos. Miss Rowena Hardin and Elaine Symons acted as accompanists.
Resolutions conveying sympathy and condolence to the families of H. C. Hen{' ind'J. f,. Clothier were passed.
made an inspection of the Pickering at Standard under the guidance of Mr. resident manager of the plant.
Those present were: Geo. present were:
Lumber Co. plant
J. C. Rassenfoss, rmons. Hales and Sy: Symons, Symons, Sonora; O. V. Wilson, Central Lumber Co.. Stockton: S. T. Irwin. Irwin Lumber Co.. Co., Stockton; S. J. Irwin, Co., Escalon; T. L. Gardner, Millwork Institute, Stockton; L. H. Elliott, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi; D. H. Schroebel, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton; A. H. Fisher, Fisher Bros. Lumber Co., Stockton; F. F. Fisher, Fisher Bros. Lumber Co., Stockton; M. G. Payne, United Lumber Yards, Modesto; B, J. Zeigler, Pickering Lumber Co., Tuolumne; W. F. Neider, San Joaquin Lumber Co., Stockton; P. L. Heron, Pickering Lumber Co., Standard; T. F. Symons, Jr., Hales & Symons, Sonora; J. U. Gartin, Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto; C. A. Berry, C. A. Berry & Sons, Valley Springs; Fred A. Witmer, Modesto; John Love, Pickering Lumber Co., Standard; W. O. Mashek, United Lumber Yards, Modesto; George Kewin, United Lumber Yards, Modesto; A. Wilhelm, Irwin Lumber Co., Escalon; Chas. C. Moorhead, Irwin Lumber Co., Escalon; P. E. Overend, Calif. Ret. Lbrms. Assn., San Francisco; W. H. Besecker, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Oakdale; F. W. Leighton, Hales & Symons, Sonora; T. H. McPherson, Escalon Lumber Co., Escalon; Eric J. Segarstrom, Sonora Abstract & Title Co., Sonora; Rowan Hardin, Sonora; A. R. Martin, Hales & Symons, Sonora.
F. A. Warner, general manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Company was in a hurry to get to Los Angeles recently from his San Francisco headquarters, so he stepped aboard one of the big Maddux Company's planes, and arrived in Los Angeles just four hours later. Mr. Warner reports a very enjoyable trip.
Q.- E. McFarland, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Stockton, and Warren Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co.. Modesto. were admitted to membership. As this was the last meeting before the summer recess, the meeting adjourned until Sep- tember 8.
Following the meeting, the members and their guests
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lockwood, of Memphis, Tennessee, have been spending their honeymoon in Southern California for the past month, and will return to their home about June first. Mr. Lockwood, who is a well known Memphis hardwood man, and well known in California territory, was recently married to Dr. Alice Rutledge, of Summit, Miss., a well known woman physician of that territory.