4 minute read
lYendling-Nathan C.o.
Don't be "talked out" of "the world's $reatest tire"
Some dealers may try to sell you something else. . . ofier you alluring inducements to get you to buy some other tira But don't be "talked out" of the New Goodyear Balloon Tirc unless you are ofrered some adequate ofrset for Goodyear's specific advantages. Ask yourself: fs it armored with the famous All-Veather Tread of special tough rubber the greatert non-ekid tread that has ever been developed?
Has this ottrer balloon tire tested and proved antiskid protection in the tread center where it belongs?
Does it embody patented SUPERTWIST, the elastic matedal which has reduced caoing failute in Goodyear Tires alhost to the vanishing point?
Does it combine road safety and long tread wear vdth smooth and quiet running?
Does it have a local cervice organization back of it possesoing the yeare of experience, modern equipment and scientific &nowledge similar to drat of Truct Tire Service, to a$ure you lasting satisfaction until itc lact mile is run?
Oak Floors " made" these frouses
The exterior beauty of these lovely homes is carried into the interior through tbe use of "Perfection" Brand Oak Flmring.
You can depend upon "Perfection." In two modern ptants operated by sktlled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kila-drying, it is perfectly milled and matched so tbat it lays smmth aod stays sm@th. It is graded and bandled so carefully that upon arrival anywhere, it is always in perlect tondition. Leading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.
Thse's a size and grade for eeer! strdctere, neu or old. Write today for f*ll porticulars.
These are the things you surrender when you let yourself be "talked out" of the New Goodyear Balloon Tire. They are the reasons why this new Goodyear has earned the title of "The Vorld's Grcatest Tire.tt
Remember, too: "There are No Miles in a Bottle ol Inh"
"A Tire for Eoery Need'
New Rules For Auction Bridge
1. Pick up )rour cards as dealt. You will be ready to bid ahead of the others"
2. Il your hand is rotten, mention it. It will guide your partner in his bid and play.
3. If your partner bids first, don't hesitate to raise. He has to play it.
4; Never hurry. 'Try several c'itds on a trick until you are sure which one you prefer.
5. Occasionally ask what is trump. It wil show you are interested in the game.
6. Wdk around the table when you are dummy and look at the other hands. Tell them what cards are good and how many tricks they can take if they play right.
7. Don't show lack of interest when you are durnmy. Help your partner out with suggestions.
-.8. Talk about other subjects during the game. It makes for good fellowship.
9. Feel free to criticise your partner. He will do much better as a resulL
10. Always trump your partner's tricks. Never take a chance.
11. Don't try to remenaber rules. It is too confusing.

12. lf. it is a money garne, always stop when you are atread. It will leave a lasting impression and folks will rernearrber you..
13. Always explain you'r plays, particular\r when set. It shows your card knowledge.
14. Disagree .with established .rules and conventions. People rpill know y<>u are a person of independent mind.
15. Eat.chocolate caramels or other adhesive candy while playing. It keeps the cards from skidding.-(Clift).
Iam of planning and toiling, In the hives of men; Heart-weary building and spoiling, And and building againAnd I long for dear old river
Where I my youth aw?|, For a dreamer lives And a toiler dies
I am sick of the showy seeming, Of the life that is half a lie; Of the faces lined with scheming, In the throng that hurries by; From the sleepless thought endeavor, I would go where the children play, For a dreamer lives fonever, And a toiler dies in a day.
Packed In The Trunk Of A Tree
During the World War an unexploded shell became embedded in the limb of a poplar tree near Compeigne in France. It is not known how it got there. Last year a farm laborer named Aubert was lopping off the dead limbs from the tree when his axe struck the shell The shell exploded and Aubert was blown to pieces.
. Strange objects become embedded in trees, among them the most frequent objects being stones tossed aloft and falling in the crotch of the tree, says the Manchester Guardian. The possible presence of such finds is dreaded by t}te men who saw them up, for a circular saw making thousands of revolutions a minute is likely to break into flying bits when it strikes the object in the wood.
"Old tobacco pipes now and then turn up in timber, as do eggs, birds' nests and bones," states the Guardian. "fn Bessarabia an entire human skeleton was found in the hollow of a tree that was b,eing sawed up, and at Ardossan a bird's nest with six eggs. French saw mills in the Dordogne found arrowheads, with broken bits of shaft attached in timber that had evidently been growing on a medievd battlefield.
"Perhaps the most curious discovery of all in timber is the initials of lovers of a century or two ago, often surrounded by the outline of a heart. You yourself probably remember a smooth-trunked old beech on which the scars of initials cut long ago were scarcely legible and seemed fast to be fading into oblivion. But though the bark skin slorrly closes orrer the scars, the imprint of the initials remains in the timber, and is revealed if the splitting or S?\re; ing of the wood happens to make a cleavage along the surface wherein they were cut. Even the autograph of Shakespeare and one of his lady loves may come to light some day when a Stratford carpenter is planing a plank from a locally felled tree!"
Joy Killers
If those who are the enemies of innocent amusements had the direction of the world, they would take away spring and youth, the former frorn the year, the latter from human life.-Balzac.
Life And Death
Life is a narrow vale between the cold aqd barren peaks of two eternities' \11/e strive in vain to look beyond the heights. We cry aloud, and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry. F,rom the voiceless lips of the rureplyrng dead there comes no word; but in the night of death hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.