1 minute read
Galilornia architects specity treated lumber for thls problem..
LUfVIngn which must come in contact Yet, tfiis plant is but a part of McC,ormickts complete service from forest to you. We have vast holdings of the finest timber in the Pacific Northwest. our own logging camps, dk, gridirons, docks, steamships.
with the ground should be treated, say California architects. Underpinning and sills, creosoted under pressure the McCormick way, solve the homebuilder's white ant problem.
The McCorrnick treating plant at St. Flelens is an important part of McCormick service. For the past 16 years, this modern plant has been at work developing and improving metrhods of creosoting lumber and timbers, as a means
Besides cargo shipments, our rail departrrent is well equipped to handle fast shipments into California and Arizona. Let our nearest sales office or representative quote you on straight or mixed of giving them added life.