1 minute read
Philippine Popularity Grows in East Says Reedy
R. L. "Bob" Reedy, of Tacoma, Washington, has been a recent visitor in Los Angeles, the guest of Robert Osgood. Mr. Reedy is manager of the Philippine Mahogany department of the Wheeler-Osgood Company, and is just returning home from a swing around the consuming districts of the east. He brought back a very optimistic report of the growth of Philippine popularity in the eastern and general markets, and predicts a big year for that wood.
Wheeler-Osgood have gone strong into the manufacture
Fred Holmes On Eastern Trip
Fred V. Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., who is an active member of the Redwood Sales Co., San Francisco, left May 28 f.or Chicago, where he will confer with Milton Johns, sales manager of the Redwood Sales Co. The purpose of the conference is to lay plans for increasing the sales of the company, which handles the Eastern sales of a group of mills representing about one-third of the production of the Redwood industry.
Mr. Holmes expects to be away from his desk about 30 days.
William Donovan Is California Visitor
William Donovan, president of the Donovan Lumber Company, Aberdeen, was a recent California visitor, spending several days in San Francisco, and visiting Los Angeles in company with Frank O'Connor, manag'er of the company's San Francisco ofifice.