1 minute read
Confab-A crafty knave, cunningly steals from uE our most prGcious asset-time.
Monolith Prepares to Build Texas Plant
The Monolith Portland Cement Company, of Los Angeles, which concern recently began operations at its new cement manufacturing plant at Laramie, 'Wyoming, announces that not later than the first of next vear it will legin construction of a big two unit plant at Aiansas Pass, Texas.
Their site is ready, and their raw material will be the great oyster shell beds of that territory, which are already being used by a number of Southern cement manufacturers in the making of cement. Grants of shell from the State of Texas have been secured, and they figure that they have an endless supply of the shell material. The Texas plant will be a two unit plant, and will serve the Texas territory thereabouts, and likewise give special attention to export busineSs, for which it will be admirably located.
Leandro Kiwanians Entertained by Redwood Twins
Members of the Kiwanis Club of San Leandro were hishly appreciative of the moving picture of The Pacific Lumber Company's sawmill and logging operations, exhibited to them at their regular meeting, Mey 28.
Jim Farley of The Pacific Lumber Company operated the machine, and Lloyd Harris of Holmes-Eureka Lumber Company told his hearers the story of Redwood. The film is in two reels, showing the production of Redwood from the tree to the car, and takes about 30 minutes to show.
The teamwork exhibited by these two friendly rivals from the sales departments of competing companies is a good example of what may be accomplished by a little cooperation.
San Fernando Valley Dealers Meet
The May meeting of the San Fernando Valley Lumbermen's Club had a one hundred percent'attendance, every yard in -the Valley being represented. In addition to the regular members, Messrs. Meyers, Byrne and Wright, managers of the. Peoples Lumber Co. yards at Ventura, Moorpark and San Susana were present. The meeting was held at Black Cat Cafe, San Fernando.
Walter M. McDonough and M. L. Cooper, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, brought their movie projector and showed a two reel comedy "The Newly Weds Build." Mr. Cooper gave an excellent talk on "Selling up to a Standard and not down to Price."
A motion was passed instructing President W. B. Packman to appoint a committee to arrange for a picnic in the near future.