1 minute read
-how to handle roof customers (Lesson ry 1)
If you have a customer who is a contrary clrslt . . And he wa'ts a roof that'll be leak-proof long after we're a bunch of doddering old grandpas . . .
(Which ig a lmg, tong way ofitilt)
At a price that would make a red-faced Scotchman blush . . .
And you wonder how in the world you are going to please him...
Just remember there's one roof built so well he catr't help but be satisfied. Sell him a Weaver Roof.
R:ao what Hiller Brothers,Inc.,largest builders in Ponland, Oregon have to say about Laminex doors:
"The $Theeler-Osgood Co., Tacoma,I7ashington
"It will probably be interesting to you to know that Hiller Brothers, Inc., for the past five years have rised yourlaminex doors exclusively in every Hiller-built house and they havi always given perfect satisfaction.
"\7e find, in explaining our houses to prospective purchasers. when we tell them all ttie doorJ in the house ardl-ariinex and are guaranreed, that this fact helps us materially in the sale of our homes. Aiyou know, Hiller Brothers do not build anv cheap houses. 'W'e are cateiins to the owner who demands qualiry at i reas6nable price, and as each"part of the homeis guaranteed by us, we were quick- to ter,lize the qualiry of Laminex doors.
"Ife assure you that v/e will continue to use Laminex doors, for we ate entirely pleased with the quality, price and service given us.
Yours very tdy, HIIIER BROTHERS, INC.
(Signed) By G. HILLER, Vice-President" X"""""""" i Gmtlnen: Plase send ne yout new book about Laminex doors. i I Lr4z! I
! THE I7HEELER-OSGOOD COMPANY, Tacoma, !?ashington !