1 minute read
Itts Easlr to Sell MONOTITH to a Plasterer
It is a simple matter for you to convince a plasterer that stucco plaster costs no more when prepared with Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement-and yet it makes a rnuch better job.
Substantial savings are made possible in two ways: l. The plasterer can use from 30 to 35 shovels of sand to each bag of cement.
2. Because of its unusual workability, Monolith Plastic Waterproof Portland Cement can be applied more easily and in twentyfive per cent less time than is usually required.
Once you get these important facts over to your customer, you have made him your friend for life. There isn't a contractor or plasterer living who would not prefer to produce walls that are stronger, 'more beautiful and absolutely waterproof-particularly when he finds that this can be accomplished with no additional cost.
For your custonr,ers'benefit as zuell os your ozun, tell thent, the contplete story of Monolith.