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ffill Anollrer QeilIOtl llre Brrlk ol lhc Wer
"I think your shingles are the best material on the market in our city. That is why I gave the contract to your Licensed Pioneer Shingle Company. Your easy payment plan could not be better."
(Signed) J. W. Ausnx, Ogden, Utah.
"Since f once had an expensive fire due to the falling of a spark on a wood shingle roof I can fully appreciate the value of the fire retarding features of Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles."
(Signed) J. R. P.ryxr, 1920 South Church, alem, Oregon.
"I had the soft green Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles used, which improve the appearance of my home aboat LN%. It is very noticeable how much warmer it keeps my home in the winter and also cooler in hot weather."
(Signed) Mns. Lucy Hounrr, 1252 North Hayes, Pocatello. Idaho.
o'The superior quality of the materials, which withstand all weather conditions, would alone justify re-roofing with Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles. There is no inconvenience while applying them and they.are laid right over the old wood shingles, which adds to the proteption of the house"'
(signed) Mns. Mmcmnr Fr.uny, Spokane, Washington.
"We liked your l;icensed Pioneer Shingle Application representative. He was pleasant, agreeable and capable, fulfilled his agreement completely it saved a lot of trouble in not having to hire the work done."
(Signed) Mmy HuncERroRD, Kirkland, Washington.
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thickness over the entire gurfaee . . deeired sefri-thatched efrect . . surface is fire retardant itg firet Then, too, the Super IIex is sold on over the old wood sffingles .., and Licensed Pioneer Application Agent If you think owners do not appreciate from owneret letteree lhose printcd file in our ofrce,