3 minute read
try Pionecr Gelr
"The insurance companies gave r'efunds on my policies because of the fireproof composition of your shingles, thereby indicating the item of economy in your shingles is really a worthwhile factor later when some of my neighbors, whose repair work and paint jobs did not stop leaks or add any enduring beauty, were regretting their mistakes, I was thoroughly convinced that I had not only an attractive'roof but a permanent and economical_onc as w_elljt
(Signed) Jonn J. RoAcE,, Redlands, California.
of Hornc Ownerr llre lrrDer l|ex llrc Uear frrCr
Pioneer Super Hex gives double roofing its maseive sizn produces the much are non-fading Yosetttite rock . . its and the upkeep is practically nothing! nts for re-roofing . . to be laid right, ean have the work done by a with a Guarantee.
featuree read over these excerpte taken at. random from thousands on
"We found the Pioneer Plan of easy payment a great convenience, as we had the advantage.of a good and beautif3ll.; " ' roof months before it was paid for and did'not drii* tl91l^: :i' small monthly payment required."
(Signqfl), !,1,9n. O.'%ssou, ,' i' ' '' 5242 39th N.8.,' .' .Seattlerll{q*bden "..r'-'* ' i ' " '-;,,r-', "' '' "ln L927 I covered tlre roof of my house with Ptuoneer I Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles and the work was performed by your Licensed Pioneer Shingle Application Company. It has added materially to the dignity, comfort and safety of the house and enhanced the value of the property more than twice the cost of the matbrial and labor." ,. ".
(Signed) J; P. Bor.ron, ' 1735 Lewis Arenue, Fresno, California.
"During the six years previous to re.roofing with Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles I had expended more than half the cost of the new roof for patching, painting, etc., and had come to realize that no amount of patching would make the old wood shingle roof water.tight." ., \r
(Signed) F. A. C.l,nn, 830 Mt. View Avenue, San Bernardino. California.
You'll Learn About It Soon!
\ry. \ry'. Wilkinson Thinks the Laminated Wood Business is Still in its Infancy
W. W. Wilkinson, of Los Angeles, who has done splendid work in spreading the gospel of Laminated Lumber in this territory, thinks that the Laminated Lumber idea is still in its infancy, and that its use and usefulness b'crfh'will develop very*apidly-IS developing very rapidly. "It will be only a short time in my opinion" said Mr. Wilkinson, "until Larninated Lumber will be turned out as long as sixteen feet and carried in stock by all lumbermen and building material men, in all the wide widths. .When that time comes the builder will have lumber of any width and length, perfectly clear and strong, that he can cut to fit any ise, any place, any time. It is an opportunity for service that is most impressive, and-is coming fast."
Loyal C. Tipton, formerly assistant manager of The Diamond Match Co-'s'Woodland yard, has been appointed mbnager of the iompany's Live Oak yard.
Pending the selection of a successor to Mr. Henry who recently lost fis life in an automobile accident, H. C. Clark, Los Angeles'Manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company, will call on the dealers in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys during June. His assistant, A. T. Show, will look after the Company's sales in the Los Angeles territory.

A. B. Gritzmacher, Gritzmacher & Gunton, San Francisco, entered the hospital May 16, and was operated on May 24th for the relief of an eye cataract. Mr. Gritzmacher expects to be back a,t.^his des[< by June lst, and it is the hope of his many friends that this operation will result in giving back to him one hundred per cent sight.
Fred Hamilton On Sick List
Fred Hamilton, Benson Lumber Co., San Diego, who was recently operated on for appendicitis, is reported to be convalescing nicely. He expects to be back at his desk again in three or four weeks.
Harvey Tspnhower A Los Angeles Visitor
Harvey Isenhower, representative for the Holmes Eureka I-umber Co. in the Valley territory, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent a week. Accompanying Bill lfamilton, their Los Angeles manager, they called on the Southern California trade.