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Douglas Fir-Curent new business received by 216 identical mills as reported to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended May 14 was 7.4 ovef, pnoduction. This group of mills reported production slightly less than the previous week. Shipments for the week were 21.9 p* cent over production. New export business was 5rl52rOOO feet more, and new rail business showed an increase of 1r13lr0o0 feet, while new domestic cargo business showed a decrease of 4,9OO,OOO feet and unfilled orders declined 91613,000 when compared with the volume of the week before.

Production, orders and shipments at these 216 mills for the week ended May L4 were reported to the Association as follows: Production 58r945rOOO feet, Shipmufis 7lr87tr4r3 feet, and Orders 6313231246 f.eet.

Details of orders and shipments at these mills for the week follow: Orders-Rail 22,3L3r673 f.eet; Domestic Cargo 2015201686 feet; Export 12r78rr298 feet; Local 7 s 7O5r589 f.eet. Shipments-Rarl 2414601047 ferlt; Domestic Cargo VOrO52rO73 feet; Expot't. 916551724 feet; Local 7,7O5,589 feet.

A total of lZt mills reporting to the Association for the week ended l&.4.ay 14 operated at 24.O per cent of capacity, as compared to Z4.O of capacity for the previous week and 45.6 per cent for the same week last year. During the week 196 of these plants were reported as down and 135 as operating.

fnventories, as reported by 144 mills declined 910001000 feet from the week ended May 7 and are 18.2 per cent less than at this time last year.

Unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro for the week ended May 25 totaled 317761000 feet, as compared to 3'895,OOO feet the previous week. Cargo arrivals at this port for the week ended May 22 amounted to 7r832rOOO feet which included 9 cargoes of Fir with 616391O00 feet, and 2 cargoes of Redwood carrying 111931000 feet. 46 lumber vessels were operating in the coasfiryise trade on l|vlay 2L, with one vessel, the Missoula, operating in the intercoastal trade; 65 vessels were laid up as compared with 62 for the week before. No change'is noticeable in the California market, and the volume of business is light. rl.rN.*rf**

Although lumber orders for the week.ended May 14 exceeded production by approximatd 13 per cent, they were more than a third below the volume of new bueiness received through the equivalent period a yenr ago, according to reports received by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associatione covering the operations of 653 leading hardwood and softwood mills. Production at these mills totaled 125,913,000 feet. Orders called fot 1421346,OOO feet. Shipments, l48r973.OOO feet, exceeded the cut by 18 per cent. A week earlier 635 mills produced l2lr278r000 feet with ordert 4 per cent and shipments 9 per cent above the cut.

The Southern Pine Association for the week endd May 14 reported new business from 118 mills as 24r59lrOOO feet, shipments 261922,000 feet, and production 23r&72r000 feet. Orders were 3 per cent over production and 9 per cent below shipments. Shipments were L3 per cent above production.

The Vestern Pine Association for the week reported new business from 123 mills as 40rl55r000 feet, shipments 35,654,000 feet, and production 3112911000 feet. Orndere were 28 per cent above production and 13 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 14 per cent above production.

189 hardwood mills repofred for the same week nen' business as 111668rOOO feet, or 16 per cent above production, shipments 11'25O,OOO feet, or 11'per cent above production. Production was lOrO9SrO0O feet.

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