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Max Cook Resigns Frcm'' Orange County Lumbermen Hold Redwood Association Monthly Gol[ Tournament

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The resignation of Max E. Cook, Iarmstead engineer, in charge of the Redwood Farm Structures Bureau of the California Red#ood Association has been announced by C. H. Grifien, Jr., general manager of the Association. The announcement follows:

"It is with genuine regret that rve announce the resignation, efiective July l, 1932, of Mr. Max E. Cook, who has served this Association so faithfully and well for the past eight years. Our support and best r'vishes go with Mr. Cook in any activity rvhich he might undertake.

"The California Redwood Association lvill in the course of the reorganization of this department continue to render its agricultural service, and 'rvill make available to all retail dealers and agricultural interests all the information possible on the use of California Redn'ood for farm structures."

Mr. Cook stated to The California Lumber Merchant that he will take a rest for some rveeks before announcing his future plans.


The Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co' and the McCormick Steamship Co. recently moved their offices from the Matson Building to the Sheldon Building, 461 Market Street, San Francisco, rvhere they r'vill occupy the entire seventh floor.

The telephone number of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. is the same as before, DOuglas 2561.


E. W. Daniels, vice president and sales manager of Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam. Wash., was a recent business visitor to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Ed. Seward. Dolbeer-Carson Lumber Co', Los Angeles. and W. B. Koehler, 'Weaver-llenry Corporation, Los Angeles, rvere tied for the low gross prize with a score of 82 at the Orange County Lumbermen's Club golf tournament held at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, Wednesday afternoon, May 18.

They will have a playofi game at the June tournament when the first prize, a brassie, will be awarded to the winner. C. C. Barr, Barr Lumber Company' Santa Ana, was the winner of the low net Prize, a box of golf balls, with a low net score of 62. Ted Lee, Hammond Lumber Company, Los Angeles, was the rvinn,er of the blind bogey prize. Following the tournament, dinner was served at the club house.

The following took part on the tournament: Art Kelly, Bill Dempwolf, Ted Lee, W. B. Koehler, F. C. Whittemore, Ted Corcoran, Roy Stanton, Earl }Ieber, Ray Clark, E. Stefiensen, Glenn Fogelman, Del Liggett, Walter Spicer, Ross Hostetler, Charles Lyons, W. H. Wright, Ed' Seward, Emil Swanson, C. C. Barr, C. C. Bohnhoff, Earl Galbrarth, Bob Holden, R. C. Johnston' A. M. Thompson, T' Beck, Bill Sampson, Bill Godshall and Ed. Martin.


The S. S. Hubert Schafer, making its first California trip under the new management of the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. of Los Angeles, agents for the S'chafer Bros. Steamship Co., arrived at San Pedro on Friday, May 27, with a cargo of lumber. After discharging i'ts Los Angeles consignment, it proceeded to San Diego. The Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co. are also the exclusive sales agent of the Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co' in Southern California.

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