1 minute read
A Tip To Brother Yohn 6'Yim" Gartirt-
You ask if inflashoon maLe das prices yump up and businesJ go like yack rabbit. You post card me that Repoob' lican you moet on vay back from Vashington tell it is all too wicious for vords!
Yust vun peep in das crystal, brother Yohn, before you go {iggin' up hard earned yack fron back yard. Doan be doomb Svenska, ask Yogi Yorgensen.
Yogi gaze into crystal and see sad Svedish faller look thru vindbw at good'ol Coapenhagen snoos. But sign on snoos say vun quarter doolar. Faller yuggle around in pooakets and only locate vun lonely dime. He shake head and valk on chewinl on tong.
Next Yogi see brighter picture. Same faller look thru same vindow. Same snoos is dere only marked vun half doolar! Faller pull das half smacker out of yeans and buy snoos. Grocer happy; faller glitter gleefully with snoos in yau. Ve are yust around das corner!!!
See, Yohn, lotsa stoof on market and no yack make all das boys dull.
Soo-O,-yo1tn, better to dig up tomatoe can and inwest quick vile doolar gtill vun big curiosity and vill buy half of loomber koompany.
Yours till Roosevelt shifts into nootraal,
Who Belieaes Tn Action
put on vun pre-infashoon sale for das customers of Stanislaus Loomber Koompany. "Yim" urged buying vile doolar still powerful like my brother Yohn's sox.